Fynd Platform v1.9.4 Change Logs

Compatible FDK Client Versions - v1.4.13, v1.4.12, v1.4.11, v1.4.10, v1.4.9, v1.4.8
  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method checkCouponValidity

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values day to property subscription.lineItems[].recurring.interval of schema ChargeRecurring in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values week to property subscription.lineItems[].recurring.interval of schema ChargeRecurring in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values quarter to property subscription.lineItems[].recurring.interval of schema ChargeRecurring in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values half_year to property subscription.lineItems[].recurring.interval of schema ChargeRecurring in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].recurring.intervalTime of schema ChargeRecurring in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values success to property subscription.lineItems[].status of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values failed to property subscription.lineItems[].status of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property subscription.lineItems[].activatedOn of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property subscription.lineItems[].activatedOn of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property subscription.lineItems[].cancelledOn of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property subscription.lineItems[].cancelledOn of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property subscription.lineItems[].billingDate of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property subscription.lineItems[].billingDate of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property subscription.lineItems[].currentPeriod.startDate of schema SubscriptionTrialPeriod in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property subscription.lineItems[].currentPeriod.endDate of schema SubscriptionTrialPeriod in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].meta of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].subscriptionId of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].subscriberId of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].entityType of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].entityId of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].chargeType of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].modifiedAt of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].createdAt of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].companyId of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.lineItems[].v of schema EntityChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.productSuitId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.entityId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.entityType of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.isTest of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.createdAt of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.modifiedAt of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.subscriberId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property subscription.returnUrl of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Possible values from pending,active,cancelled,frozen,declined from property subscription.status of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.metadata of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.companyId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.activatedOn of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.cancelledOn of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property subscription.trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.trialPeriod of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscription.lineItems[].metadata of schema SubscriptionCharge in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] lineItems[].price.amount, lineItems[].price.currency_code made optional in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to number of property subscription.trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] subscription.lineItems[].price.amount, subscription.lineItems[].price.currency_code made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] subscription.lineItems[].recurring.interval made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property activatedOn of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property cancelledOn of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property productSuitId of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property entityId of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property entityType of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property isTest of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdAt of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedAt of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property code of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

    • [Added] property success of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Possible values from pending,active,cancelled,frozen,declined from property status of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property metadata of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property companyId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property trialPeriod of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties lineItems[].name, lineItems[].term, lineItems[].price, lineItems[].recurring, lineItems[].status, lineItems[].metadata, lineItems[].id, lineItems[].pricingType, lineItems[].cappedAmount, lineItems[].activatedOn, lineItems[].cancelledOn, lineItems[].billingDate, lineItems[].currentPeriod, lineItems[].isTest in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property companyId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to number of property trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property activatedOn of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property cancelledOn of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property productSuitId of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property entityId of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property entityType of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property isTest of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdAt of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedAt of schema SubscriptionChargeRes in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property code of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

    • [Added] property success of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Possible values from pending,active,cancelled,frozen,declined from property status of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property metadata of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property companyId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property trialPeriod of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties lineItems[].name, lineItems[].term, lineItems[].price, lineItems[].recurring, lineItems[].status, lineItems[].metadata, lineItems[].id, lineItems[].pricingType, lineItems[].cappedAmount, lineItems[].activatedOn, lineItems[].cancelledOn, lineItems[].billingDate, lineItems[].currentPeriod, lineItems[].isTest in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 400

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property companyId of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to number of property trialDays of schema EntitySubscription in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values recurring to property charge.pricingType of schema OneTimeChargeItem in request body

    • [Added] Possible values usage_base to property charge.pricingType of schema OneTimeChargeItem in request body

    • [Added] property charge.finalCharge of schema Charge in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.name of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.status of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.metadata of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.meta of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.price of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.id of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.activatedOn of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.cancelledOn of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.returnUrl of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.isTest of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.pricingType of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.subscriberId of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.entityType of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property charge.entityId of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] charge.price.amount, charge.price.currency_code made optional in request body

    • [Changed] charge.name, charge.pricing_type, charge.price made optional in request body

    • [Changed] name, charge, return_url made optional in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property activatedOn of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property cancelledOn of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values one_time,recurring,usage_base to property pricingType of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values extension,theme to property entityType of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property term of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property recurring of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property chargeType of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cappedAmount of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property billingDate of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property currentPeriod of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedAt of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdAt of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property companyId of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property v of schema ChargeDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property code of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

    • [Added] property success of schema ResourceNotFound in response with status code 404

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property metadata of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property returnUrl of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property subscriberId of schema OneTimeChargeEntity in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] price.amount, price.currency_code made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getInvoices

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getInvoiceById

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getCustomerDetail

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method upsertCustomerDetail

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getSubscription

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getFeatureLimitConfig

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method activateSubscriptionPlan

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method cancelSubscriptionPlan

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getEnterprisePlans

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method planStatusUpdate

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method subscripePlan

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getentityDetail

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in response with status code 201

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property restrictions.payments[] of schema Restrictions1 in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data[] of schema GetPriceAdjustmentResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.value, data.message, data.restrictions, data.id, data.collection, data.type, data.meta, data.applyExpiry, data.articleLevelDistribution, data.allowedRefund, data.isAuthenticated, data.articleIds, data.cartId in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to array of property data of schema PriceAdjustment in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.article_ids, data.article_level_distribution, data.cart_id, data.collection, data.is_authenticated, data.message, data.type, data.value made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema SharedCart in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema SharedCart in response with status code 404

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema SharedCart in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema UserCartMappingResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter orderType (type: string)

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter orderType (type: string)

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter orderType (type: string)

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 201

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 201

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema PlatformCartShipmentsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema PlatformCartShipmentsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method platformCheckoutCart

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.customCartMeta of schema CheckCart in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customCartMeta of schema CartDetailResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] method getPromotionOffers

  • What's New

    • [Added] method getPromotionPaymentOffers

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].description of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].priority of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].active of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].customJson of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localeLanguage of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].brandBannerPortraitUrl of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].brandBannerUrl of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].brandLogoUrl of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].slugKey of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].createdOn of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].lastUpdated of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].isActive of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].modifiedOn of schema ApplicationBrandListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].action of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].banners of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].discount of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].logo of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].slug of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Type from object from property of schema BrandListingResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to integer of property items[].departments[] of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] page made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Type from object from property items[].logo of schema Media2 in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].items[].customJson of schema CategoryItems in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property departments[].name of schema DepartmentIdentifier in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].childs[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property data[].items[].childs[].childs[].childs[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].priority of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].attrName of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].landscapeUrl of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].portraitUrl of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].customJson of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].createdBy of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].createdOn of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].modifiedBy of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].modifiedOn of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].appId of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].isActive of schema ApplicationCategoryListingItemSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].action of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].banners of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].discount of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties items[].logo.type, items[].logo.url, items[].logo.aspectRatio in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].slug of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Type from object from property of schema BrandListingResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to integer of property items[].departments[] of schema BrandItem in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to string of property items[].logo of schema Media2 in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] page made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] properties items[].badge.color, items[].badge.text in response with status code 200

    • [Added] properties items[].schedule.cron, items[].schedule.duration, items[].schedule.end, items[].schedule.start, items[].schedule.nextSchedule in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].published of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].tags of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].seo of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].id of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].sortOn of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].customJson of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localeLanguage of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].isVisible of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].cron of schema GetCollectionDetailNest in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties schedule.cron, schedule.duration, schedule.end, schedule.start, schedule.nextSchedule in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property published of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property tags of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property action of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property seo of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property id of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property customJson of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localeLanguage of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property isVisible of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property createdBy of schema CreateCollection in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property modifiedBy of schema CreateCollection in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cron of schema CollectionCreateResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties modifiedBy.email, modifiedBy.uid, modifiedBy.username, modifiedBy.userId in request body

    • [Added] properties modifiedBy.email, modifiedBy.uid, modifiedBy.username, modifiedBy.userId in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property modifiedBy of schema UpdateCollection in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property modifiedBy of schema UpdateCollection in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to object of property modifiedBy of schema UpdateCollection in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to object of property modifiedBy of schema UpdateCollection in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter qtyGt (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter qtyLt (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter qtyType (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter fromDate (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter toDate (type: string)

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property brand.action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property brand.action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter q (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter pageNo (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter pageSize (type: integer)

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method createCategories

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method updateCategory

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method createDepartments

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method updateDepartment

  • What's New

    • [Added] items[].returnConfig.returnable, items[].returnConfig.time, items[].returnConfig.unit made required in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] operationId from getGenderAttribute to getAttribute

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page of schema ProductDownloadsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter pageNo (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter pageSize (type: integer)

    • [Added] property page of schema InventoryExportJobListResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter name (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter slug (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter allIdentifiers (type: array)

    • [Added] query parameter pageType (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter sortOn (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter pageId (type: string)

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter pageNo (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter pageSize (type: integer)

    • [Added] property page of schema ProductDownloadsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page of schema ProductDownloadsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property tokens.googleMap.enabled of schema GoogleMap in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property tokens.googleMap.enabled of schema GoogleMap in request body

    • [Added] property tokens.googleMap.enabled of schema GoogleMap in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getIntegrationById

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getAvailableOptIns

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getSelectedOptIns

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getIntegrationLevelConfig

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method updateLevelIntegration

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getIntegrationByLevelId

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method updateLevelUidIntegration

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getLevelActiveIntegrations

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogRequest in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogRequest in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter tags (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter q (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter slug (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter title (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter status (type: string)

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].summary of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property filters of schema BlogGetResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].schedule of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogRequest in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogRequest in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getComponentById

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property systemPages[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property systemPages[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property customPages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property customPages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property systemPages[].navigation[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property systemPages[].navigation[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property customPages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property customPages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media.action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media.action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media.action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media.action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media.action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media.action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media.action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media.action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property media[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property contact.phone.phone[].phoneType of schema PhoneProperties in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property configType of schema Support in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property contact.phone.phone[].phoneType of schema PhoneProperties in request body

    • [Added] property contact.phone.phone[].phoneType of schema PhoneProperties in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property configType of schema Support in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property configType of schema Support in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property summary of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property schedule of schema BlogSchema in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data[].payload.companyDetail.meta of schema CompanyDetail in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].payload.shipmentMeta of schema DummyTemplateDataPayload in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].payload.orderMeta of schema DummyTemplateDataPayload in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data of schema GenerateReportJson in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data of schema DownloadReport in request body

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property page of schema DownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property pagesize of schema DownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property startDate of schema DownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property endDate of schema DownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].typeOfRequest of schema DownloadReportItems in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties data.filters.status, data.filters.configField, data.filters.isActive, data.filters.sellerId in request body

    • [Added] property data.status of schema GetEngineData in request body

    • [Added] property data.search of schema GetEngineData in request body

    • [Added] property data.page of schema GetEngineData in request body

    • [Added] property data.pageSize of schema GetEngineData in request body

    • [Added] property data.orderBy of schema GetEngineData in request body

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 500

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property reason of schema GetAffiliateResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.invoiceBillingItems of schema PaymentProcessPayload in request body

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.invoiceNumber of schema PaymentProcessPayload in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property data.amount of schema PaymentProcessPayload in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property data.totalAmount of schema PaymentProcessPayload in request body

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.endDate of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Added] property data.startDate of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Added] property data.pageSize of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.pagesize of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.endEnd of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.startEnd of schema CreditlineDataPlatformPayload in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].currency of schema Currency in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property success of schema InvoiceListingResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property headers of schema InvoiceListingResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

    • [Added] Response with status 500

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property items[].amount of schema InvoiceListingResponseItems in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 500

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items of schema ChannelDisplayNameResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data of schema ChannelDisplayNameResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.redemptionDetails[].meta of schema RedemptionDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.currency of schema CreditNoteDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.currentAmountUsed of schema CreditNoteDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Type from object from property data.meta of schema GetCnConfigResponseMeta in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.meta.reason, data.meta.sourceChannel in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.filters.typeOfTransaction of schema CnGenerateReportFilters in request body

    • [Added] property data.filters.issuanceChannel of schema CnGenerateReportFilters in request body

    • [Added] property data.pageSize of schema CnGenerateReport in request body

    • [Added] property data.success of schema GenerateReportCustomerCnResponseData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.message of schema GenerateReportCustomerCnResponseData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.pagesize of schema CnGenerateReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.filters.typesOfTransaction of schema CnGenerateReportFilters in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.pageSize of schema CnDownloadReport in request body

    • [Added] property items of schema DownloadReportCustomerCnResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property page of schema DownloadReportCustomerCnResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property itemCount of schema DownloadReportCustomerCnResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.status[] of schema CnDownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.pagesize of schema CnDownloadReport in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data of schema DownloadReportCustomerCnResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from array to string of property data.status of schema CnDownloadReport in request body

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property reason of schema GetReportingFiltersResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] property reason of schema InvoicePaymentDetailsResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 500

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property data[].reason of schema InvoiceActivityLogsResponseData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property data[].performedBy of schema InvoiceActivityLogsResponseData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property data[].maxRetryAttempts of schema InvoiceActivityLogsResponseData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Changed] Security in Request

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Security in Request

  • What's New

    • [Added] method invoicePaymentOptions

  • What's New

    • [Added] method orderFreeze

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sla of schema Ticket in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getTokenForPlatformVideoRoom

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getNewTokenForVideoRoom

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getPlatformVideoParticipants

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getNewVideoParticipants

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method openVideoRoom

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method closeVideoRoom

  • What's New

    • [Added] property type of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property integration of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property id of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property supportCommunication of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property showCommunicationInfo of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property showSupportDris of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property allowTicketCreation of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property showListing of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property availableIntegration of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property enableDris of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property supportEmail of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property supportPhone of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property supportFaq of schema GeneralConfigResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema CloseVideoRoomResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] success made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] query parameter country (type: string), [Added] query parameter countryIsoCode (type: string)

    • [Added] property items[].storeIds of schema ListViewItems in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] account_id made optional in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].schemeRules.weight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].schemeRules.weight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].schemeRules.weight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].schemeRules.weight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property schemeRules.weight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cpList[].schemeRules of schema CourierPartnerRuleCPListResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property id of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property type of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property applicationId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property companyId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedOn of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].isSelfShip of schema CourierPartnerList in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] cpList[].is_self_ship made optional in request body

    • [Changed] cpList[].name made optional in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] cpList[].account_id, cpList[].extension_id, cpList[].is_self_ship, cpList[].name made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] conditions, is_active, name, sort, type made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cpList[].schemeRules of schema CourierPartnerRuleCPListResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property id of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property type of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property applicationId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property companyId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedOn of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] cpList[].account_id, cpList[].extension_id, cpList[].is_self_ship, cpList[].name made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] conditions, is_active, name, sort, type made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cpList[].schemeRules of schema CourierPartnerRuleCPListResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property id of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property type of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property applicationId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property companyId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property createdBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property modifiedOn of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].isSelfShip of schema CourierPartnerList in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] cpList[].is_self_ship made optional in request body

    • [Changed] cpList[].name made optional in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] cpList[].account_id, cpList[].extension_id, cpList[].is_self_ship, cpList[].name made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] conditions, is_active, name, sort, type made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentCost.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentCost.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentCost.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentCost.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.shipmentVolumetricWeight.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].cpList[].schemeRules of schema CourierPartnerRuleCPListResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].id of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].type of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].applicationId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].companyId of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].createdBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].modifiedBy of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].modifiedOn of schema CourierPartnerRuleResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].cpList[].name of schema CourierPartnerList in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] items[].cpList[].account_id, items[].cpList[].extension_id, items[].cpList[].is_self_ship, items[].cpList[].name made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] items[].conditions, items[].is_active, items[].name, items[].sort, items[].type made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gt of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.lte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property conditions.orderPlaceDate.gte of schema ArithmeticOperations in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property status of schema AnnouncementsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema AnnouncementsResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property resumeTasksAfterUnlock of schema UpdateShipmentStatusRequestSchema in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property error of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values activity_status,activity_escalation,activity_comment,outbound_notification,outbound_voice to property activityHistory[].type of schema HistoryDict in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property activityHistory[].createdTs of schema HistoryDict in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values activity_status,activity_escalation,activity_comment,outbound_notification,outbound_voice to property activityHistory[].type of schema HistoryDict in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property activityHistory[].createdTs of schema HistoryDict in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property message of schema BaseResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property result of schema OrderStatusResult in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to boolean of property success of schema OrderStatusResult in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] success made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property error of schema UpdatePackingErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property dimension[].weight of schema Dimension in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property dimension[].height of schema Dimension in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties shipments[].lineItems[].charges[].amount.currency, shipments[].lineItems[].charges[].amount.value in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values HomeDelivery,PickAtStore to property shipments[].orderType of schema Shipment in request body

    • [Added] properties charges[].amount.currency, charges[].amount.value in request body

    • [Added] properties config.payment, config.dpConfiguration, config.integrationType, config.locationReassignment, config.optimalShipmentCreation in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] config.dp_configuration made required in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values delivery,pickup to property shippingInfo.shippingType of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] properties shippingInfo.geoLocation.latitude, shippingInfo.geoLocation.longitude in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values home,office,other to property shippingInfo.addressType of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] property billingInfo.slot of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] property billingInfo.shippingType of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] property billingInfo.geoLocation of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] property billingInfo.addressType of schema ShippingInfo in request body

    • [Added] property paymentInfo.paymentMode of schema PaymentInfo in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values platform-pos,platform-site,openapi,marketplace to property orderPlatform of schema CreateOrderAPI in request body

    • [Added] property orderType of schema CreateOrderAPI in request body

    • [Added] property fyndOrderId of schema CreateOrderAPI in request body

    • [Added] property applicationId of schema CreateOrderAPI in request body

    • [Added] property externalShipmentId of schema CreateOrderAPI in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] shipping_info made required in request body

    • [Added] property success of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property errors of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property statusCode of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property fyndOrderId of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property success of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Added] property errors of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Added] property statusCode of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Added] property fyndOrderId of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property status of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property info of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property code of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property meta of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property exception of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property requestId of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property stackTrace of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property status of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property info of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property code of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property meta of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property exception of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property requestId of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property stackTrace of schema CreateOrderErrorReponse in response with status code 5XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] shipments[].location_id made optional in request body

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message, status made optional in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message, status made optional in response with status code 5XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getChannelConfig

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method createChannelConfig

  • What's New

    • [Added] property status of schema ResponseDetail in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message[] of schema ResponseDetail in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from array to string of property message of schema ResponseDetail in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property orderDetails[].mobile of schema FyndOrderIdList in request body

    • [Added] property orderDetails[].startDate of schema FyndOrderIdList in request body

    • [Added] property orderDetails[].endDate of schema FyndOrderIdList in request body

    • [Added] property result[].text of schema OrderStatusData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property result[].value of schema OrderStatusData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property result[].colorCode of schema OrderStatusData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property result[].expectedDeliveryDate of schema OrderStatusData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Response with status 4XX

    • [Added] Response with status 5XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property mobile of schema OrderStatus in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property startDate of schema OrderStatus in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property endDate of schema OrderStatus in request body

  • What's Changed

    • [Changed] end_date, mobile, start_date made optional in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method fetchCreditBalanceDetail

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data[].format of schema RefundModeInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property status of schema RefundModeConfigResponsePayload in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property message of schema RefundModeConfigResponsePayload in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property customerMobileNumber of schema RefundModeConfigRequestPayload in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] property status of schema SendUserMobileOtpResponse in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property data.mobile of schema PointBlankOtpData in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property mobile of schema SendUserMobileOTP in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] property customHeaders[] of schema BulkReportsDownloadRequest in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values shipment_statuses,shipment_statuses_with_store_ids,fetch_by_filter_type to property reportType of schema BulkReportsDownloadRequest in request body

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to array of property customHeaders of schema BulkReportsDownloadRequest in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values COMPLETED,FAILED,PARTIALLY COMPLETED,PROCESSING to property data[].status of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values a4,a6,pos to property data[].invoiceDocumentType of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values a4,a6,pos to property data[].labelDocumentType of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values order_processing,reports,invoice_label to property data[].bulkActionType of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values yet_to_initiate,initiated,initiated_but_failed,success,failed to property data[].invoiceStatus of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].invoicelabelDocumentType of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].failedShCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].successfulShCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].totalCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].failedShipments of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].successfulInvoicedCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].failedInvoicedCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data[].totalInvoicedCount of schema BulkActionListingData in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] total_count made required in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values save,process,pdf_generated,invalidate,pdf_failed,complete to property items[].status of schema Manifest in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 5XX

    • [Changed] Path From /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifests To /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifest/listing

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method processManifests

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter dpIds (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter endDate (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter startDate (type: string)

    • [Added] query parameter pageNo (type: integer)

    • [Added] query parameter pageSize (type: integer)

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values save,process,pdf_generated,invalidate,pdf_failed,complete to property manifestDetails[].status of schema Manifest in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] location from path to query of parameter manifestId

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 5XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 5XX

    • [Changed] Path From /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifests/{manifest_id} To /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifest/details

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Required path parameter manifestId (type: string)

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to boolean of property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

    • [Changed] Path From /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifest/{manifest_id}/upload-consent To /service/platform/order-manage/v1.0/company/{company_id}/manifest/uploadConsent

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property globalFilter[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property exception of schema ExceptionErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property stackTrace of schema ExceptionErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property error of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's New

    • [Added] property exception of schema ExceptionErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Added] property stackTrace of schema ExceptionErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property status of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property success of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property message of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property error of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property errorTrace of schema ErrorResponse in response with status code 4XX

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] message made optional in response with status code 4XX

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values save,process to property action of schema ProcessManifestRequest in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] action, unique_id, filters made required in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values save,process to property items.action of schema ManifestItems in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].isLapaEnabled of schema ShipmentItem in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property shipments[].orderStatus of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property shipments[].isLapaEnabled of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.app of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.inventory of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property shipments[].orderStatus of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property shipments[].isLapaEnabled of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.app of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.inventory of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].shipments[].orderStatus of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].shipments[].isLapaEnabled of schema PlatformShipment in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.app of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].shipments[].affiliateDetails.config.inventory of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].isLapaEnabled of schema ShipmentItem in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter.returned[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter.unfulfilled[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter.filters[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter.processed[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property advanceFilter.actionCentre[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values multi_select,single_select to property globalFilter[].type of schema FiltersInfo in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties data.shipment.lineItems[].charges[].amount.currency, data.shipment.lineItems[].charges[].amount.value in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values HomeDelivery,PickAtStore to property data.shipment.orderType of schema Shipment in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.bagStatusHistory[] of schema BagDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.item.attributes.essential, data.item.attributes.name, data.item.attributes.gender, data.item.attributes.primaryMaterial, data.item.attributes.marketerName, data.item.attributes.primaryColor, data.item.attributes.marketerAddress, data.item.attributes.primaryColorHex, data.item.attributes.brandName in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.affiliateDetails.config.app of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.affiliateDetails.config.inventory of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.bagStatusHistory.forward, data.bagStatusHistory.reasons, data.bagStatusHistory.status, data.bagStatusHistory.storeId, data.bagStatusHistory.deliveryAwbNumber, data.bagStatusHistory.kafkaSync, data.bagStatusHistory.deliveryPartnerId, data.bagStatusHistory.appDisplayName, data.bagStatusHistory.stateId, data.bagStatusHistory.stateType, data.bagStatusHistory.bshId, data.bagStatusHistory.createdAt, data.bagStatusHistory.createdTs, data.bagStatusHistory.shipmentId, data.bagStatusHistory.updatedAt, data.bagStatusHistory.updatedTs, data.bagStatusHistory.bagStateMapper, data.bagStatusHistory.bagId, data.bagStatusHistory.displayName in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.shipments of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.articles of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.meta of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.boxType of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.fulfillmentId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property data.shipmentDetails.dpId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.shipmentDetails.affiliateShipmentId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.shipment.location_id made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to array of property data.bagStatusHistory of schema BagStatusHistory in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.bagStatusHistory.status made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.shipmentDetails.affiliate_shipment_id, data.shipmentDetails.articles, data.shipmentDetails.fulfillment_id, data.shipmentDetails.shipments made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] properties data.items[].shipment.lineItems[].charges[].amount.currency, data.items[].shipment.lineItems[].charges[].amount.value in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values HomeDelivery,PickAtStore to property data.items[].shipment.orderType of schema Shipment in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.items[].bagStatusHistory[] of schema BagDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.items[].item.attributes.essential, data.items[].item.attributes.name, data.items[].item.attributes.gender, data.items[].item.attributes.primaryMaterial, data.items[].item.attributes.marketerName, data.items[].item.attributes.primaryColor, data.items[].item.attributes.marketerAddress, data.items[].item.attributes.primaryColorHex, data.items[].item.attributes.brandName in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].affiliateDetails.config.app of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].affiliateDetails.config.inventory of schema AffiliateConfig in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties data.items[].bagStatusHistory.forward, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.reasons, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.status, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.storeId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.deliveryAwbNumber, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.kafkaSync, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.deliveryPartnerId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.appDisplayName, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.stateId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.stateType, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.bshId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.createdAt, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.createdTs, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.shipmentId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.updatedAt, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.updatedTs, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.bagStateMapper, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.bagId, data.items[].bagStatusHistory.displayName in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.shipments of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.articles of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.meta of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.boxType of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.fulfillmentId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property data.items[].shipmentDetails.dpId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property data.items[].shipmentDetails.affiliateShipmentId of schema ShipmentDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.items[].shipment.location_id made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to array of property data.items[].bagStatusHistory of schema BagStatusHistory in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.items[].bagStatusHistory.status made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data.items[].shipmentDetails.affiliate_shipment_id, data.items[].shipmentDetails.articles, data.items[].shipmentDetails.fulfillment_id, data.items[].shipmentDetails.shipments made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] method addStateManagerConfig

  • What's New

    • [Added] method getStateManagerConfig

  • What's New

    • [Added] property paymentMethods[].meta.paymentGatewaySlug of schema MultiTenderPaymentMeta in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] property businessUnit of schema SetCODForUserRequest in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.isPaymentDone of schema LinkStatus in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cartDetails.customCartMeta of schema CartDetailsSerializer in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property pages[].seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible values locate-us to property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.page.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property seo.breadcrumb[].action.popup.type of schema PageType in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] method getExtensionSections

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property maxAge of schema CreateUserSessionRequestSchema in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method manualRetryOfFailedEvent

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getEventCounts

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getManualRetryStatus

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method manualRetryCancel

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] end_date, start_date made required in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] webhook_url made required in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] subscriber_ids made required in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] type made required in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] end_date, start_date made required in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property of schema SubscriberConfigPostRequestV2 in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] provider, association, status, email_id, name, events made required in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property id of schema SubscriberConfigRequestV2 in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property association.companyId of schema Association in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property of schema SubscriberConfigUpdateRequestV2 in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] id, provider, status made required in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property association.companyId of schema Association in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property of schema SubscriberConfigPost in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] webhook_url, association, status, email_id, event_id, name made required in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property id of schema SubscriberConfig in request body

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property association.companyId of schema Association in request body

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property of schema SubscriberConfigUpdate in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] id, event_id made required in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property association.companyId of schema Association in request body