Order Management States (OMS)
This page explains various OMS states. Understanding the states helps you to track the orders and integrate your systems with Fynd OMS.
A Delivery Partner (DP) integrates with Fynd OMS by aligning its shipment states with Fynd OMS states like dp_assigned
, in_transit
, and delivery_done
. Once integrated, the DP's system automatically sends an API call with details such as tracking numbers and timestamps to Fynd OMS whenever a shipment's state changes, such as from in_transit
to delivery_done
. Fynd OMS processes this update, adjusts the order states, and notifies relevant stakeholders to keep them informed.
The OMS states are documented in the table below, which shows each state's description, applicability, and visibility on the storefront website:
Abbreviations Used
RTO: Return to Origin
Sr. No. | States | Description | Journey Type | Applicable to | Visible at Store Front |
1. | assigning_dp | The system is searching for a DP to assign the shipment. Once assigned, the assigned DP delivers the shipment. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
2. | assigning_return_dp | The system is searching for a DP to pick up the return shipment. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
3. | bag_confirmed | The merchant has confirmed the shipment for delivery. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
4. | bag_invoiced | The invoice for the shipment has been generated. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
5. | bag_lost | The DP reported the shipment as lost after collecting it from the fulfillment center/store. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
6. | bag_not_confirmed | The merchant cancelled the shipment because the product was either unavailable, defective, or had a price mismatch. The system will search for the next available fulfillment center. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
7. | bag_not_handed_over_to_dg | The merchant has not yet handed over the shipment to the DP. This could be due to reasons such as fulfillment process delays, documentation issues, or technical issues. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
8. | bag_not_picked | The DP has not picked up the shipment from the fulfillment center for dispatch. This could be due to reasons such as delay by DP, system issues, or a delay in processing. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
9. | bag_packed | The merchant has packed the shipment, and it is ready for dispatch. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
10. | bag_picked | The DP has picked up the shipment for dispatch. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
11. | bag_reached_drop_point | The shipment has reached the drop point. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
12. | cancelled_at_dp | The DP initially accepted the request but later rejected it. This could be due to reasons such as operational issues. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
13. | cancelled_customer | The customer cancelled the order before it was shipped. This could be due to reasons such as the customer has found a better deal. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
14. | cancelled_failed_at_dp | The request to cancel the assigned DP to process the shipment has failed, meaning the assigned DP remains responsible for processing the shipment. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
15. | cancelled_fynd | The admin/system/warehouse cancelled the order and has no alternate fulfillment center. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
16. | credit_note_generated | A credit note has been issued for the shipment because the shipment was returned to the merchant. | Forward/Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
17. | deadstock_defective | The brand rejected the return shipment due to quality or other issues. The operations team then uses this state to assign a DP to collect the item and send it back to Fynd. This state is only applicable to logistics services managed by Fynd. | Return | Admin (read only) | Yes |
18. | deadstock_defective_lost | The DP reports the items as lost in transit that were returned and rejected by the brand. These rejected items were being transferred from the brand's store to our warehouse. | Return | Admin (read only) | No |
19. | delivery_attempt_failed | The DP failed to deliver the shipment to the customer's location. This could be due to reasons such as the customer was not available at the delivery location. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
20. | delivery_done | The shipment is delivered to the customer. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
21. | dp_assigned | A DP has been assigned to deliver the shipment. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
22. | dp_not_assigned | A DP couldn't be assigned and the system is trying to assign another DP. This could be due to reasons such as, the DP cancelled the request. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
23. | handed_over_to_customer | For store pick up orders, the order is handed over to the customer. | Forward | StoreOS /Admin | Yes |
24. | handed_over_to_dg | The merchant has handed over the shipment to the DP. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
25. | internal_dp_reassign | The DP aggregator (e.g., Shiprocket) reassigned the shipment within their internal 3P fleet as per availability. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
26. | internal_return_dp_reassign | The DP aggregator (e.g., Shiprocket) reassigned the return shipment within their internal 3P fleet as per availability. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
27. | in_transit | The shipment is in transit to the delivery address. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
28. | out_for_delivery | The shipment is out for delivery to the customer. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
29. | out_for_pickup | The DP is on the way to pick up the shipment from the fulfillment center. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
30. | partial_refund_completed | In case of multiple payment methods, a refund for any one of the payment methods is successful during return/cancellation. | Forward/Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
31. | payment_failed | The payment for the order failed from the payment gateway. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
32. | payment_initiated | The payment process for the order is initiated. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
33. | pending | The order is pending and is awaiting further action from the customer. This state is triggered when the customer is in the checkout stage. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
34. | placed | The order was placed successfully. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
35. | ready_for_dp_assignment | The shipment is ready, and the system is searching for a DP to assign the shipment. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
36. | refund_acknowledged | Our payment module acknowledged the refund request initiated for the order. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
37. | refund_approved | The Fynd admin reviewed and approved the refund request for COD orders. It follows the refund_pending_for_approval _ state, where the refund request was awaiting admin approval. This state is only applicable for Fynd Marketplace orders. | Refund | Admin (read only) | No |
38. | refund_completed | The refund process is completed. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
39. | refund_failed | The refund process has failed. This could be due to reasons such as the account details are incorrect. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
40. | refund_initiated | The refund process for the order is initiated. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
41. | refund_on_hold | The refund process is currently on hold. This could be due to a mismatch between the amount to be refunded and the amount paid by the customer. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
42. | refund_pending | The payment aggregator initiated the refund, but it is pending and yet to be completed. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
43. | refund_pending_for_approval | The refund is pending approval from the Fynd admin for COD orders. This state is only applicable for Fynd Marketplace orders. | Refund | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
44. | refund_retry | The refund process is being retried due to a previous failure. | Refund | Admin (read only) | No |
45. | rejected_by_customer | The customer rejected the shipment and refused to accept it. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
46. | return_accepted | The merchant has accepted the returned items. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
47. | return_assigning_dp | The system is assigning a DP to pick up the return shipment | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
48. | return_bag_delivered | The DP has delivered the return order to the store/warehouse. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
49. | return_bag_in_transit | The return shipment is in transit to the merchant. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
50. | return_bag_lost | The DP reports to the admin that the return bag has been lost after it was picked up from the customer's location. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
51. | return_bag_not_delivered | The return shipment was not delivered to the fulfillment center. This could be due to reasons such as lost shipment, a delay in delivery, a delay in processing the shipment, or technical issues. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
52. | return_bag_not_picked | The DP failed to pick up the return bag from the customer/location. This could be due to reasons such as the customer address was incorrect, the customer was unavailable, delay by the DP, or the return conditions was not met. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
53. | return_bag_out_for_delivery | The return shipment is out for delivery to the merchant. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
54. | return_bag_picked | The return shipment is picked up by the DP from the customer's location and is ready for transit. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
55. | return_cancelled_at_dp | The DP initially accepted the return request and later rejected it. This could be due to reasons such as routing conflicts, capacity constraints, or unforeseen events. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
56. | return_cancelled_failed_at_dp | The request to cancel the assigned DP to process the return shipment has failed, meaning the assigned DP remains in charge of fulfilling the return request. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
57. | return_dp_assigned | A DP is assigned to process the return shipment. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
58. | return_dp_assignment_requested | The Fynd admin requested a DP to pick up the return order. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
59. | return_dp_cancelled | The return DP has been cancelled from fulfilling the shipment after initially accepting it. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
60. | return_dp_not_assigned | No DP has been assigned yet to fulfill the return shipment. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
61. | return_dp_out_for_pickup | The return DP is out to pick up the return item from the customer's location. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
62. | return_dp_qc_failed | After the quality control, the return DP marked the return order as failed. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
63. | return_dp_qc_passed | After the quality control, the return DP has marked the return order as passed. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
64. | return_initiated | Either the customer has placed a return request, or Fynd admin/customer care raised a return request. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
65. | return_not_accepted | The merchant has not accepted the return shipment from DP. This could be due to reasons such as damaged package or return window expired. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
66. | return_pre_qc | Pre-quality control checks are being conducted for the return, and the operations team manually approves the return when the customer uploads the necessary details. If Return Quality check is enabled in the sales channel, the customer needs to upload images etc. of the product while initiating the return. If Return Quality check is not enabled, the shipment will directly move to return_initiate_state . | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
67. | return_rejected_by_dp | The DP rejected the returned items. This could be due to reasons such as a damaged package or return window expired. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
68. | return_request_cancelled | The return request was cancelled by the customer or Fynd admin on behalf of the customer. | Return | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
69. | return_request_rejected_by_operation | The return request was rejected by the admin. | Return | Admin (read only) | Yes |
70. | rto_bag_accepted | The store has accepted the RTO for processing. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
71. | rto_bag_delivered | The RTO bag has been successfully delivered to the store/fulfillment center. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
72. | rto_bag_out_for_delivery | The RTO bag is out for delivery from the customer's location to the merchant. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
73. | rto_initiated | The DP has initiated the RTO process due to failed delivery attempts. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
74. | rto_in_transit | The RTO bag is in transit to the merchant. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
75. | store_reassigned | The order's fulfillment center has been reassigned. This could be due to reasons such as the store cancelled the order and reassigned it to another store where the inventory is available for fulfillment. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | Yes |
76. | upcoming | The order is in the upcoming queue and is awaiting further processing. It is either scheduled to be processed later after being placed or is awaiting acknowledgment to be moved to the placed state for further processing. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |
77. | return_to_origin | The shipment is returned to the fulfillment center because the delivery could not be completed successfully. | Forward | StoreOS/Platform/Admin | No |