Manages orders, including processing, tracking, and updating order status.
Bag represents a virtual entity to group same items which contains single or multi quantity. Bags are part of a shipment. An order will have one or more than one shipments. A shipment can contain zero or more bags.
Order represents a customer's intent to purchase a specific set of products from your platform. Here platform could be a Website, POS machine, External integrations etc. It typically includes details like customer information, billing/shipping addresses, items ordered, quantities, pricing, and chosen fulfillment method.
The State Manager is responsible for handling state logic for entities such as Shipment and Bag. It determines the behavior of the Shipment, including whether shipment breaking should be allowed, and what tasks should be run during particular state transitions, such as generating an invoice ID. Additionally, it controls which states are permissible after certain states. The State Manager is enabled at the application level and if not set it has default behavior, which determines the default flow of a shipment if no custom behavior is set.
Retrieves Entity State Manager configuration which includes flags, hooks, and filters, for a specific application within a company's setup.
The Payment module is responsible for handling payment methods operations. These will include updating payment mode of entities.
Shipment represents the physical movement of goods from the seller (or your warehouse) to the customer. It's associated with a specific order and includes details like tracking information, carrier used, weight, dimensions, and estimated delivery date. An Order can contain multiple shipments. Shipments are created based on multiple factors like selling location assigned to that shipment, the packaging material available etc. A shipment will get created whenever there is a partial transition of items also when there is a negative state transition is invoked. Negative state transition can be defined against a state. Currently only some defined states are configured as negative. If any state is to be added as negative state then please contact support team.