This service provides functionality to manage assets and generate pdf. You can upload the assets, get the cdn link for the assets, proxy the assets and many more things.
Browse files by fetching all files in a directory based on the provided namespace, query, and request body parameters. It determines the directory path, retrieves paginated files accordingly, and serializes the response for further processing. This method optimizes directory browsing functionality within the system.
Enable seamless file management within application and across external sources. It copy files, ensuring data replication and backup for various purposes. Additionally, browse, navigate, and utilize proxy functionality for interacting with files and performing operations on them within the platform
File upload is a feature that enables users to upload files from their device to a designated storage location in the system. The process of uploading begins by validating user parameters and organizing files into different groups based on their type using something called a "namespace". This helps in storing the files into Public and Private buckets Private - The files stored in private bucket is accessible via getSignedUrl method for a temporary duration. Public - The files stored in public bucket is accessible via cdn url Seller initiate the upload process by selecting files through drag-and-drop, pre-existing images, choosing from your device, uploading via URL, or entering an image URL. 1. Start Upload - Once seller calls start upload will receive a signed URL to initiate the upload process. 2. Utilize a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) method to upload the file through the obtained signed URL. 3. Complete File upload - Important file details such as name, size, content type, and namespace are collected and linked to maintain data integrity within the system's database. Once you upload a file, you receive a message with all the details about where your file is stored, including a secure URL for uploading files to the designated storage and a CDN (Content Delivery Network) URL for future accessibility. Furthermore, the system sets an expiration time for access links(signed Url) enhancing security measures.
Manage and customize PDF and HTML templates. Access various PDF types, retrieve default PDF data, obtain default HTML templates, save custom HTML templates, preview templates, and access the default PDF template.