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Cart Landing

Deprecation Notice

Vue-based themes will soon be deprecated. Please switch to React-based themes, as all future updates and support will focus exclusively on React.

On the Cart landing page, we can see products added to the cart.

Website URL:


There are various other options we can see on the page:

  • Offers & coupons - Any offers or coupons we can see here
  • Rewards points - Any rewards points
  • Comment - Can add any comment for this order
  • GST Details - can claim gst

You can change these options from the page setting on platform.

is_logged_inBooleanUser is logged in or not
favourite_idsArrayIds of products that are added in the wishlist
bag_dataObjectContains data related to items in the cart
app_featuresObjectApplication specific configurations
employee_listArrayList of employee for staff selection
selected_employeeObjectCurrent selected employee


    <div className="card-landing" v-if="context && context.bag_data">
<div v-for="bags in context.bag_data.item">

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