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Deprecation Notice

Vue-based themes will soon be deprecated. Please switch to React-based themes, as all future updates and support will focus exclusively on React.

The Blog template renders the blog page, which lists all articles within a blog.

Website URL:


Argument to be passed

applicationstringIdentifier for the application to which the blog belongs
authorobjectAn object containing the name and ID of the author
contentobjectAn array containing the content of the blog post in HTML format
date_metaobjectContains metadata about the creation and modification dates of the blog
feature_imageobjectHolds information about the featured image of the blog and has a secure_url
_idnumberThe unique identifier for the blog post
publish_datestringThe date and time when the blog post was published
publishedbooleanA boolean indicating if the blog post is published
seoobjectContains SEO-related metadata for the blog post
slugstringUnique name of the blog
tagsarrayAn array of tags associated with the blog post
titlestringThe title of the blog post
_scheduleobjectContains scheduling information for the blog post


This will be the object that returns the title of the blog.


The below example will render the title of a blog:

<div className="title">
<h1>{{ context.blogs.title }}</h1>
<div className="date">
<h2>{{ getDate(context.blogs.publish_date) }}</h2>

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