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Order Action Component




The action component is used for performing actions related to order such as cancel order, return order, add beneficiary details, verify otp, add beneficiary for Bank, validate IFSC code, and getting invoice by shipment id.


cancelOrderfuctionThis function is used to cancel the order cancelOrder({ body : [CancelOrderRequest]( } : object)
returnOrderfunctionThis function is used to return the order returnOrder({ body : [ReturnOrderRequest]( } : object)
addBeneficiaryDetailsfunctionThis function is used for saving bank details for cancelled/returned orderaddBeneficiaryDetails({ body : [AddBeneficiaryDetailsRequest]( } : object)
verifyOtpAndAddBeneficiaryForBankfunctionThis function is used for Verifying the beneficiary details using OTP verifyOtpAndAddBeneficiaryForBank({ body : [AddBeneficiaryViaOtpVerificationRequest]( } : object)
validateIfscCodefunctionThis function is used for verifying the IFSC Code validateIfscCode({ifscCode: string} : object)
invoiceByShipmentIdfunctionThis function is used to get the Invoice URL invoiceByShipmentId({shipmentId: string} : object)
getOrdersfunctionThis function is used for getting order details getOrders({pageNo: number, pageSize : number, fromDate : string, toDate : string, customMeta: string} : object)
getOrderByIdfunctionThis function is used for getting single order details getOrderById({orderId: string} : object)
creditNoteByShipmentIdfunctionThis function is used for generate credit note creditNoteByShipmentId({} : object)


<template slot-scope="order">

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