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Settings Object

The settings object lets you access a section's properties and setting values.

Returns the name of the section.


Returns the label of the section.


Returns an object of all the props. More about props.


Returns an array of section blocks. More about Blocks.


Returns an array of section preset. This can be used to set a default value for blocks.


export const settings = {
label: 'Swipe Gallery',
blocks: [
label: 'Image card',
type: 'gallery',
props: [
id: 'url',
label: 'Banner Image Link',
type: 'text',
default: '',
info: 'Link to the image that should be displayed in banner',
id: 'alt',
label: 'Alt Text',
type: 'text',
default: 'Image Alt',
info: 'Image Alt',
id: 'width',
label: 'Image Width',
type: 'text',
default: '100',
info: 'Width of image in %',
props: [
id: 'title',
label: 'Title',
type: 'text',
default: '',
info: 'Link to the image that should be displayed in banner',