Fynd Platform v2.2.0 Change Logs

Compatible FDK Client Versions - v2.0.0

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 201

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 201

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 201

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 201

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 201

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 201

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property appliedPromoDetails[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property shipments[].items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property shipments[].items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 404

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 404

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property cart.items[].promotionsApplied[].floatAmount of schema AppliedPromotion in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property cart.items[].maxQuantity of schema CartProductInfo in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property sizeChart.sizes[].col7 of schema SizeChartValues in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.sizes[].col8 of schema SizeChartValues in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.sizes[].col9 of schema SizeChartValues in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.sizes[].col10 of schema SizeChartValues in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.headers.col7 of schema ColumnHeaders in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.headers.col8 of schema ColumnHeaders in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.headers.col9 of schema ColumnHeaders in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.headers.col10 of schema ColumnHeaders in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property sizeChart.id of schema SizeChart in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].pincode of schema Store in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/catalog/v1.0/locations/ To /service/application/catalog/v2.0/locations/

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].address.pincode of schema StoreAddressSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/catalog/v1.0/in-stock/locations/ To /service/application/catalog/v2.0/in-stock/locations/

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property address.pincode of schema StoreAddressSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/catalog/v1.0/locations/{location_id}/ To /service/application/catalog/v2.0/locations/{location_id}/

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property pincode of schema ProductSizePriceResponseV3 in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property strategyWiseListing[].pincode of schema StrategyWiseListingSchemaV3 in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/catalog/v3.0/products/{slug}/sizes/{size}/price/ To /service/application/catalog/v4.0/products/{slug}/sizes/{size}/price/

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].pincode of schema ProductSellersPriceResponseV3 in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].strategyWiseListing[].pincode of schema StrategyWiseListingSchemaV3 in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/catalog/v3.0/products/{slug}/sizes/{size}/sellers/ To /service/application/catalog/v4.0/products/{slug}/sizes/{size}/sellers/

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property applicationInfo.companyInfo.addresses[].pincode of schema CompanyAboutAddress in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property applicationInfo.companyInfo.addresses[].pincode of schema CompanyAboutAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/configuration/v1.0/about To /service/application/configuration/v2.0/about

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property items[].address.pincode of schema OptedStoreAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property items[].pincode of schema OrderingStore in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].address.pincode of schema OptedStoreAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property items[].pincode of schema OrderingStore in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/configuration/v1.0/ordering-store/stores To /service/application/configuration/v2.0/ordering-store/stores

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property address.pincode of schema OptedStoreAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Value format from int32 from property pincode of schema OrderingStore in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property address.pincode of schema OptedStoreAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from integer to string of property pincode of schema OrderingStore in response with status code 200

    • [Changed] Path From /service/application/configuration/v1.0/ordering-store/stores/{store_id} To /service/application/configuration/v2.0/ordering-store/stores/{store_id}

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data[].localities of schema PincodeData in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property requestUuid of schema PincodeDetailsResult in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method getTatProduct

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties results[].logistics.dp.operations, results[].logistics.dp.fmPriority, results[].logistics.dp.lmPriority, results[].logistics.dp.rvpPriority, results[].logistics.dp.paymentMode, results[].logistics.dp.areaCode, results[].logistics.dp.assignDpFromSb, results[].logistics.dp.internalAccountId, results[].logistics.dp.externalAccountId, results[].logistics.dp.transportMode in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Response with status 400

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] results[].logistics.dp.fm_priority, results[].logistics.dp.lm_priority, results[].logistics.dp.operations, results[].logistics.dp.payment_mode, results[].logistics.dp.rvp_priority made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property results[].latLong.coordinates[] of schema PincodeLatLongData in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].id of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].sla of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].size of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].weight of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].attributes of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].dimension of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].price of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].quantity of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].set of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].groupId of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].manufacturingTime of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].manufacturingTimeUnit of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].mtoQuantity of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].isGift of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].isSet of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].setQuantity of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].deliverySlots of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].articles[].returnReason of schema ShipmentsArticles in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].shipmentDimension.unit of schema ShipmentDimension in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].shipmentDimension.isDefault of schema ShipmentDimension in request body

    • [Added] property shipments[].locationType of schema CPShipments in request body

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property shipments[].courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.min of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property shipments[].courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.max of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property shipments[].courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.attributes of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property shipments[].deliveryPromise of schema ShipmentCourierPartners in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.min of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Value format date-time to property courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.max of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property courierPartners[].deliveryPromise.attributes of schema CourierPartnerPromise in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property deliveryPromise of schema ShipmentCourierPartnerResult in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property items[].hierarchy[].name of schema HierarchyItems in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].uid of schema GetCountriesItems in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].subType of schema GetCountriesItems in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].hasNextHierarchy of schema GetCountriesItems in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

    • [Added] page, items made required in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property items[].timezones of schema CountryObject in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property fields.address[].values.getOne.params.path.type of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property fields.address[].values.getOne.params.path.value of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property fields.address[].values.getAll.params.path.type of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property fields.address[].values.getAll.params.path.value of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Added] fields.address[].slug made required in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property meta of schema GetCountry in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property message of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property value of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property type of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property fields.address[].next of schema GetCountryFieldsAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] Possible nullable value from true from property fields.address[].input of schema GetCountryFieldsAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Deleted] Possible values from list,textbox from property fields.address[].input of schema GetCountryFieldsAddress in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property fields.address[].values.getOne.params.path.localityType of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property fields.address[].values.getOne.params.path.localityValue of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property fields.address[].values.getAll.params.path.localityType of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property fields.address[].values.getAll.params.path.localityValue of schema GetOneOrAllPath in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Breaking] [Added] Required header parameter xLocationDetail (type: string)

    • [Breaking] [Added] Required header parameter xApplicationData (type: string)

    • [Added] property items[].promise of schema StorePromise in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property promise of schema GetPromiseDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].deliveryPromise of schema StorePromise in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property deliveryPromise of schema GetPromiseDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Default value to property items[].meta of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property items[].localities[].meta of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property items[].localities[].serviceability of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property items[].localities[].serviceability of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property items[].localities[].parentUid of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property items[].localities[].parentIds of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].iso2 of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].iso3 of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].currency of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].hierarchy of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].latitude of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].longitude of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].localities[].phoneCode of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].code of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].iso2 of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].iso3 of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].currency of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].hierarchy of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].latitude of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].longitude of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property items[].phoneCode of schema LocalitiesApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property message of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property value of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property type of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Deleted] Required status from query parameter sector

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].serviceability of schema Localities in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property items[].localities[].customMeta of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to number of property items[].latLong.coordinates[] of schema PincodeLatLongData in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] query parameter sector (type: string)

    • [Breaking] [Added] Possible values state,city,pincode,sector to property type of schema GetLocalityApp in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property localities[].meta of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property localities[].serviceability of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Added] Type object to property localities[].serviceability of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Default value to property localities[].parentUid of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property localities[].parentIds of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].iso2 of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].iso3 of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].currency of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].hierarchy of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].latitude of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].longitude of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property localities[].phoneCode of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property message of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property value of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property type of schema ErrorResultApp in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property localities[].customMeta of schema LocalityParent in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property name of schema ValidateAddressDetails in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property phone of schema ValidateAddressDetails in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property email of schema ValidateAddressDetails in request body

    • [Added] property addressMeta of schema ValidateAddressDetails in request body

    • [Added] property countryIsoCode of schema ValidateAddressDetails in request body

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property name of schema ValidateAddressDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property phone of schema ValidateAddressDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] Possible nullable value true to property email of schema ValidateAddressDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property addressMeta of schema ValidateAddressDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property countryIsoCode of schema ValidateAddressDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] properties error.type, error.value, error.message in response with status code 400

    • [Added] property success of schema ErrorResult in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] property message of schema ErrorResult in response with status code 400

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from string to object of property error of schema ErrorResult in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] header parameter xApiToken (type: string)

  • What's New

    • [Added] property virtualId of schema PaymentStatusUpdate in request body

  • What's New

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].flow of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].supportedMethods of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].storedPaymentDetails of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].suggestedList of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].flow of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].supportedMethods of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].storedPaymentDetails of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].suggestedList of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] data made optional in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property data.logo of schema CardDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.cvvLength of schema CardDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.isEnabled of schema CardDetails in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property data.isCardValid of schema CardDetails in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].flow of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].supportedMethods of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].storedPaymentDetails of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property paymentOptions.paymentOption[].suggestedList of schema RootPaymentMode in response with status code 200

  • What's New

    • [Added] property virtualId of schema PaymentStatusUpdate in request body

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] method outstandingOrderDetails

  • What's New

    • [Added] property account.amountOnHold[] of schema CreditAccountSummary in response with status code 200

    • [Added] property account.amountOnHold[] of schema CreditAccountSummary in response with status code 400

  • What's Deprecated

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties account.amountOnHold.amount, account.amountOnHold.currency, account.amountOnHold.uniqueId in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Deleted] properties account.amountOnHold.amount, account.amountOnHold.currency, account.amountOnHold.uniqueId in response with status code 400

  • What's Changed

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to array of property account.amountOnHold of schema UserCreditSchema in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] account.amountOnHold.amount, account.amountOnHold.currency made optional in response with status code 200

    • [Breaking] [Changed] Type from object to array of property account.amountOnHold of schema UserCreditSchema in response with status code 400

    • [Breaking] [Changed] account.amountOnHold.amount, account.amountOnHold.currency made optional in response with status code 400

  • What's New

    • [Added] property page.pageSize of schema Page in response with status code 200