Manages product catalogs, including adding, updating, and deleting products, as well as categorizing them.
A brand represents a specific brand or manufacturer associated with a product. Brands help customers identify and differentiate products based on their manufacturer or designer. Each brand typically has a unique identifier and a name. For example, a clothing platform might have brands such as "Nike," "Adidas," "Gucci," and "Zara." Our Brand APIs facilitate access to brand-related data, offering functionalities such as retrieving list of available brands and obtaining detailed information about a specific brand using its unique slug.
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Get a brand
Categories are hierarchical structure that enables a systematic organization of products for better discoverability of products on storefront. Categories are structured into three levels: L1, L2, and L3, with L1 representing the top-level category, followed by L2 and L3. For example - Clothing(L1) >> Shirts(L2) >> Formal Shirts(L3) A single L1 category can encompass multiple L2 categories underneath it, and similarly, an L2 category can contain multiple L3 categories within it. Category is a sales-channel specific configuration. While categories are common across all companies, sales channel can configure L3 category names tailored to their unique requirements.
List product categories
Get category by slug
A collection is a grouping of products that sellers can create to make their stores easier to browse. For example, a seller might create a collection for a specific type of product by latest fashion trend or season, such as Summer collection or streetwear collection. Collections can be rule based on conditions like specific brand, category, etc. or a custom collection which can be comprised of handpicked products. Retrieve a list of collections, access items within a specific collection using its slug or unique identifier, and obtain detailed information about a specific collection, including its title, description, and associated items. This resource streamlines the management of curated sets of products, services, or other items., retrieve, update, and delete collections. Add and retrieve items within collections for organized content management.
List collections
Lists items of collection
Get a collection
A department categorizes products into different sections or categories based on their type or purpose. Departments help organize products in a logical manner, making it easier for customers to navigate the product catalog. Each department typically has a unique identifier and a name. For example, a clothing ecommerce platform might have departments such as "Men's Clothing," "Women's Clothing," "Accessories," and "Footwear." You can retrieve a list of all departments associated with available products, facilitating easy navigation and organization of products based on departmental categorization. Additionally, the APIs allow you to list all products associated with a specific brand, collection, or category in a random order, enhancing user engagement and discovery within your application
List departments
Customers have the ability to follow or unfollow specific products based on their preferences, allowing them to curate a list of favorites. This feature enables users to manage their preferences and interactions with different content or entities. By retrieving a list of products or brands they are following, customers can easily keep track of their interests. They can remove items, brands, or products from their followed list using the collection ID, and add new ones using the same ID. Additionally, customers can find out how many other users are following a specific item and get the IDs of all the items they are currently following, whether they are products, brands, or collections.
List followed products, brands
Delete item, brand, product
Create item, brand, product
Get follower count
List Ids of followed item, brand, product
A Product is an individual item available for sale. It includes details like the product's name, description, price, images, and variants (such as size or colour). This resource is crucial for managing the catalogue of items that customers can browse, search for, and purchase. Additionally, you can retrieve information about each product, including availability, sizes with quantities, dimensions, stock status, pricing details (marked, effective, selling), and minimum order quantity (MOQ). The APIs further support accessing products within the same category as a specified product, all available variants of a product, current stock status using unique identifiers like SKU, ALU, and EAN, as well as estimated future stock levels. Moreover, you can retrieve a comprehensive list of all products in the catalogue at the application level, with robust filtering options based on product attributes like name, brand, department, category, and collection, along with versatile sorting options based on factors like price, ratings, and discounts. The Product resource at the application level also facilitates operations such as retrieving product bundles, obtaining the price of specific product sizes across selling locations near a given PIN code, and retrieving a list of sellers offering a specific product in a specific size. With these functionalities, the 'Product' resource empowers you to efficiently manage and analyze your product catalogue holistically across your entire application, streamline operations, and enhance customer experiences