HomeAPI ReferenceStorefront GraphQL APIlatestGetproductqrcodebyslugFynd Platform Versionv2.1.1 - latestv2.1.1 - latestv2.1.0v2.0.0v1.9.5v1.9.4mutationgetProductQRCodeBySlugCreates a QR code for a specific product identified by its slug.ArgumentsslugString!RequiredA short, human-readable, URL-friendly identifier of a product. You can get slug value from the endpoint.ResponselinkStringOriginal url that was used to encoded url into a QR code.svgStringString representation of the QR Code in SVG format.MutationLoading...Try itInput VariablesLoading...ResponseLoading...Was this section helpful?YesNoPrevious« WalletResponseNextshortLink »