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Register extension

In this guide, you will learn how to register payment extension and get Extension API key and Extension API Secret that are required for interaction between Fynd Platform and Payment Extension.


  1. You have created your partner organization on Fynd Partners and logged in.

Steps to register payment extension on partner panel

  1. Go to your partner panel.


  1. Click Extensions.


  1. Click Create Extension.


  1. Select Start from scratch


  1. Create Extension form will appear.

  2. Extension type: Select Payment from the dropdown.


  1. Choose Distribution Method: The payment extension distribution type will be set to "public" by default, as illustrated in the image below.


  1. Basic Details:


    1. Extension Name: Enter the name for the extension.
    2. Contact Email: Enter the email address via which Fynd can contact you in case of any urgent issue with your extension.
    3. Logo: Upload the logo for the extension.
    4. Description: Briefly describe the functionality of your payment extension.
  2. Extension URL: Also called Extension base URL, this is the URL of server where you have hosted your extension. Fynd Platform uses this URL to communicate with your extension. While developing in your local machine, you can tunnel your local host to internet using tunneling services like ngrok and use the tunnel URL as your Extension URL. To avoid changing your Extension URL frequently in development phase, you can use static domain offered by ngrok as your Extension URL.


  1. Permission: Payment extension is automatically assigned required permissions so it can call updatePaymentSession and updateRefundSession API. If you want to request additional permissions you can use the Request additional permissions toggle that will allow your extension to call other Platform API.


  1. Additional Details: Uncheck this box if your Payment Gateway extension does not allow refunds to the original payment method.
