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Theme Marketplace Requirements

Before submitting your theme to the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace, it is essential to ensure that it meets all the requirements. You can find these requirements in the provided lists; if your theme doesn't meet them, it will be rejected.

Additionally, it is highly recommended that you conduct comprehensive testing to guarantee the functionality and quality of your theme. Failure to do so may result in your theme being rejected outright, and repeated offenses could result in suspension or permanent rejection.

These measures are in place to ensure that merchants can fully benefit from the best possible themes and features available on the Fynd Platform.

Exclusive availability on the Theme marketplace

To maintain the quality and novelty of the themes offered on the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace, it is required that all themes listed on the store meet specific exclusivity requirements. This means that themes must be unique to the Theme marketplace and cannot include any external marketing materials.

  • Any theme available on the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace cannot be sold or distributed through other marketplaces.
  • The themes listed on the Theme marketplace must not contain links to a developer's website or affiliate links within the theme files.

Distinguishing your theme from others

To have your theme accepted, it is necessary for you to introduce significant and meaningful changes and innovations to the design and functionality of the theme. We evaluate various aspects of your submission to ensure that it stands out from the others and meets our standards. Here are some guidelines that we follow:

  • Your codebase must exhibit noteworthy differences when compared to the code used in other themes.
  • The identity of your theme should be distinctive and not similar to other themes available in the market.
  • Your theme should have a specific industry focus that caters to the needs of merchants in that industry.
  • Your theme must have a creative art direction that sets it apart from other themes and captures the attention of merchants.
  • Your theme should have a consistent and harmonious appearance across all templates, such as the home page, product and collection pages, blogs, search, and the cart.
  • Your theme should provide unique customisation options or functionalities that differentiate it from other themes.

To ensure that your theme meets these criteria, we must make sure that a merchant cannot purchase your theme and another theme listed in the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace, and then customize the settings so that the themes are almost identical to each other.

Rich features

Themes that come with a wide range of features cater to the diverse requirements of merchants, allowing them to adapt the theme to their business needs. Additionally, it's essential that every theme has the necessary elements to support the following features:

  • Universal Section Integration: Ensure that your templates, sections, and blocks are compatible with the Fynd Platform and leverage its core features and functionalities.
  • Transparent Discounts: Display discount amounts for individual items and entire orders in the cart, checkout, and order templates. Make sure discounts are supported on the Cart page.
  • Single Page Checkout: The single-page checkout simplifies the checkout process, presenting all the necessary information and steps required to complete a purchase on a single web page. This approach helps reduce cart abandonment rates and makes it easy for customers to complete their purchases.
  • Enhanced Search Filtering: Implement search filtering options that allow customers to filter products based on various criteria, such as product name, brand, category, department, tags, availability, price, type, vendor, and variant options. These filtering options should be available on the product and collection listings pages, as well as the search pages.
  • Coupons & Promotions: Coupons and promotions play a crucial role in driving sales, increasing customer loyalty, and boosting the overall success of an e-commerce website by creating a positive shopping experience and encouraging repeat visits. However, it's essential to carefully plan and manage these promotions to ensure they align with Merchant's overall marketing strategy and do not negatively impact their profitability.
  • Intuitive Navigation: The theme should have intuitive and user-friendly navigation, making it easy for visitors to browse products and find what they need.
  • Variant Images: Allow themes to utilize variant images, enabling merchants to associate specific images with product variants.
  • Product Display: Design product listing and detail pages to showcase products effectively, including high-quality images, 3D models, embedded videos, YouTube videos, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews.
  • Search Functionality: Ensure the presence of a search box or a link to a search page that includes a search template and predictive search functionality.
  • Responsive Design: The theme should be fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Include clear and compelling CTAs throughout the theme to guide users toward making purchases or taking desired actions.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize the theme for fast loading times to prevent users from experiencing delays and to improve search engine rankings.
  • SEO-Friendly: Implement SEO best practices to ensure the theme is search engine friendly, allowing products and pages to rank higher in search results.
  • Customizability: Provide customization options, allowing website owners to modify colors, fonts, layouts, and other elements to align with their brand identity.
  • Security Measures: Ensure the theme incorporates necessary security measures to protect user data and transactions.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Test the theme on different web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) to ensure consistent display and functionality.
  • Documentation and Support: Provide comprehensive documentation to assist users in theme installation, setup, and customization. Offer reliable customer support to address any issues or inquiries.
  • Language and Localization Support: If the website serves multiple regions or languages, design the theme with localization support to cater to diverse audiences.
  • Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize the theme for better performance, considering image compression, caching, and minimizing HTTP requests.
  • Updates and Compatibility: Regularly update the theme to maintain compatibility with the latest versions of the ecommerce platform and its plugins.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure the theme adheres to intellectual property laws and includes proper licensing for any third-party assets used. Include [legal policy pages] within the theme.
  • Integration with Extension or Third-Party Apps: Consider integrating the theme with popular extensions (eg: Ratings & Reviews, Product Recommendation, Newsletter ) or third-party apps and services to extend its capabilities.
  • Demo Content: Provide demo content to allow potential buyers to preview the theme's features and functionalities.

Template structures, Sections, and Blocks

Requirements for templates support:

You can create themes by using Vue.js or React.js. However, the themes should adhere to the following guidelines regarding templates and their formats (.vue extension for Vue.js and .js extension for React.js):

  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • fdk.config.js
  • config.json
  • index.js
  • .gitignore
  • config files
    • settings_data.json
    • settings_schema.json
  • templates/pages
    • brand-listing
    • brands
    • categories
    • category-listing
    • collection-listing
    • collections
    • product-description
    • product-listing
    • wishlist
    • home
    • blog
    • cart-delivery
    • cart-landing
    • order-status
    • order-tracking
    • order-tracking-details
    • order-list
    • shipment-details
    • profile-address
    • profile-details

Requirements for section support:

  • Sections are reusable UI components that can be customized by merchants. Section files are present inside the sections folder of a theme.
  • Ideally, all templates should support sections, except for Customer Account pages and Checkout pages, which are exempt from section support.
  • Header and footer sections should be rendered within section groups. Section groups allow merchants to dynamically add, remove, and rearrange sections in the header and footer areas of the layout.

Requirements for block support:

A block represents the content and settings of a single block in an array of section blocks. The block object can be accessed in a section file by looping through settings``.blocks. Each block has the below-listed fields

  • block.props
  • block.type: Available input types should be:
    • text
    • textarea
    • checkbox
    • radio
    • range
    • select
    • color
    • code
    • url
    • product
    • brand
    • collection
    • department
    • image
    • extension

Theme performance and accessibility evaluation

Merchants prioritize performance and accessibility when selecting an online store theme. Themes must meet specific criteria in these areas to ensure merchant success and improve customer experience, utilizing all possible ways to achieve high theme page speed.

  • Performance: Themes must achieve a minimum average Lighthouse performance score of 60 for desktop and mobile across product, collection, and home pages. Benchmark tests determine these scores. The GTmetrix grade must be A and the page speed must be <1.4 seconds
  • Accessibility: Themes must achieve a minimum average Lighthouse accessibility score of 90 for desktop and mobile across product, collection, and home pages. Benchmark tests are used to evaluate these scores.
  • Verification Process: During the verification process, actual images and content are required in the sections. Empty sections must have placeholder images otherwise those will not be considered.
  • Testing Before Submission: Before submitting a theme to the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace, you can conduct performance tests against a benchmark shop to assess its performance. Similarly, you can perform accessibility tests against a benchmark shop to test the accessibility of your theme before submission.


When your theme includes thoughtfully crafted page types, it empowers merchants to create every essential component required to operate their online store.

Product Display Page requirements:

The product page should include the following information about the product:

  • Product Image Gallery: Provide a gallery of high-quality images that showcase the product from various angles and views.
  • Product Title and Description: Clearly display the product's title and a detailed description, including key features and specifications.
  • Product Videos: Include product demonstration or usage videos, if available, to provide a more immersive experience.
  • Zoom and Image Magnification: Allow users to zoom in on product images for a closer view.
  • Product Specifications: List detailed specifications and technical information, especially for electronics and technical products.
  • Product Price: Display the product's price prominently and include any discounts or special offers, if applicable.
  • Product Variants and Options: If the product comes in different variants (e.g., sizes, colors), allow users to select their preferred options.
  • Add to Cart Button: Include a visible and easily accessible "Add to Cart" button that allows users to add the product to their shopping cart.
  • Product Quantity: Allow users to select the desired quantity of the product they wish to purchase.
  • Product Availability: Indicate the product's availability status, such as "In Stock" or "Out of Stock."
  • Size Charts: If selling apparel, offer size charts to assist users in selecting the right size.
  • Shipping Information: Provide details about shipping options, estimated delivery times, and shipping costs.
  • Returns and Refunds Policy: Inform users about the returns and refunds policy for the specific product.
  • Product Warranty Information: If applicable, provide details about product warranties and support.
  • Social Media Sharing: Offer buttons or links for users to share the product on social media platforms.
  • Available product visibility first: The first available variant should load by default when the page is accessed.
  • Extensions support: Extensions support to enhance and expand the required features
    • Product Reviews and Ratings: If available, show customer reviews and ratings to build trust and provide social proof.
    • Product Recommendations: Use personalized product recommendations based on the user's browsing and purchase history.
    • Product Availability Notification: Enable users to sign up for email notifications when a product is back in stock.
    • Cross-Sell and Upsell Recommendations: Suggest complementary products or upgrades to increase average order value.
    • Product Comparison (if applicable): Allow users to compare multiple products side by side to make informed decisions.

Product Listing Page requirements:

The product listing page allows users to browse and explore various products within specific categories or collections. To provide a seamless and engaging user experience, the product listing page should include the following required features:

  • Product Thumbnails: Display visually appealing thumbnail images of products to attract user attention.
  • Product Titles: Clearly present the names of each product to give users an idea of what the product offers.
  • Product Prices: Include the price of each product to help users make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Product Ratings and Reviews: Display product ratings and customer reviews (if available) to build trust and provide social proof.
  • Product Filters: Offer filter options to help users refine their product search based on attributes such as price range, category, brand, size, color, and more.
  • Sort Options: Provide sorting options to arrange products by relevance, price (low to high or high to low), popularity, and new arrivals.
  • Product Quick View: Implement a quick view option that allows users to see essential product details without leaving the product listing page.
  • Pagination or Infinite Scroll: If the product list is extensive, implement pagination or infinite scroll for smooth navigation.
  • Add to Cart Button (if applicable): Include an "Add to Cart" button for each product to enable users to easily add products to their shopping cart.
  • Product Labels and Badges: Use labels or badges (e.g., "New Arrivals," "Best Sellers") to highlight special products or promotions.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the product listing page is fully responsive and user-friendly across various devices.
  • Product Count: Display the total number of products listed in the category or collection.
  • Grid and List View Options: Allow users to toggle between grid and list view layouts for the product listing.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Implement breadcrumb navigation to help users understand their location within the website hierarchy.
  • Cross-Sell and Upsell Recommendations (if applicable): Include related products or upsell suggestions within the product listing to encourage additional purchases.
  • Out-of-Stock Indicators: Clearly indicate when products are out of stock to manage customer expectations.
  • Customization Options: Provide flexibility for website owners to customize the appearance and layout of the product listing page.
  • Search Bar (if applicable): If the ecommerce platform supports it, include a search bar on the product listing page to find specific products by name or keyword.

Collection Page requirements:

The collection page should include various features to effectively present and organize products within a specific category or collection. Here are some required features for a collection page in an ecommerce website:

  • Collection Title and Description: Display the name of the collection and provide a brief description to describe the theme or purpose of the collection.
  • Product Listing: Present products belonging to the collection in an organized grid or list format.
  • Product Image and Title: Showcase each product with an appealing image and clear title.
  • Product Price: Display the price of each product, along with any discounts or special offers, if applicable.
  • Product Quick View: Offer a quick view option to allow users to see essential product details without leaving the collection page.
  • Product Sorting: Provide sorting options (e.g., by price, popularity, new arrivals) to help users find products more easily.
  • Product Filters: Include filters such as price range, color, size, brand, and other relevant attributes to refine product listings.
  • Pagination or Infinite Scroll: If the collection contains numerous products, implement pagination or infinite scroll for smooth navigation.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Add prominent "View More" or "Shop Now" buttons to encourage users to explore and make purchases.
  • Banner or Hero Image: Use a banner or hero image that represents the collection's theme and catches users' attention.
  • Collection Categories (if applicable): If the collection contains subcategories, present them for better organization and navigation.
  • Product Labels and Badges: Use labels or badges (e.g., "New Arrivals," "Best Sellers") to highlight special products within the collection.
  • Product Quick Add to Cart (if applicable): Allow users to add products to the cart directly from the collection page, without visiting the product detail page.
  • Social Sharing Buttons: Include social media sharing buttons to enable users to share specific collections with their networks.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Implement breadcrumb navigation to help users understand their location within the website hierarchy.
  • Clear Collection Structure: Ensure a clear and logical structure, especially if the collection is part of a broader category hierarchy.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the collection page is fully responsive and adapts to various screen sizes and devices.
  • Product Count: Display the total number of products available in the collection.
  • Search Bar (if applicable): If the ecommerce platform supports it, include a search bar on the collection page to find specific products within the collection.

Cart Page requirements:

The cart page should include essential features to provide users with a clear summary of their selected products and a smooth checkout experience. Here are some required features for the cart page in an ecommerce website:

  • Product Details: Display a summary of the products added to the cart, including product names, quantities, prices, and total amounts.
  • Product Images: Show small thumbnail images of the products in the cart to aid in product identification.
  • Product Options: If applicable, include selected product options (e.g., size, color) in the cart summary.
  • Update Cart: Allow users to easily update product quantities or remove items directly from the cart page.
  • Cart Subtotal: Show the subtotal of all products in the cart before taxes, shipping, and other fees.
  • Promo Code Field: Provide a field for users to enter promo codes or discount coupons to apply to their cart.
  • Continue Shopping Button: Offer an option for users to continue shopping and explore more products.
  • Clear Cart Button: Include a "Clear Cart" button to allow users to remove all items from the cart in a single action.
  • Secure Checkout CTA: Display a clear and prominent "Secure Checkout" button to guide logged-in and guest users to the checkout process.
  • Estimate Shipping and Taxes: If applicable, offer an option for users to estimate shipping costs and taxes before proceeding to checkout.
  • Guest Checkout Option: Offer an option for users to proceed with the checkout without creating an account.
  • Account Creation Option: If users are new or not logged in, provide an option for them to create an account during the checkout process.

Single page checkout Requirements:

The single-page checkout condenses all the essential steps of the traditional multi-page checkout into a single, cohesive page, making it more convenient and faster for customers to complete their purchases. Here are the required features for a single-page checkout in an ecommerce website:

  • Order Summary: Display a clear and concise order summary, including product names, quantities, prices, and the total order amount.
  • Billing and Shipping Information: Allow users to enter their billing and shipping details directly on the same page.
  • Auto-Fill and Address Suggestions: Implement auto-fill and address suggestions to help users quickly complete their address information.
  • Shipping Method Selection: Provide a selection of shipping methods with corresponding costs and estimated delivery times.
  • Payment Options: Offer a variety of secure payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, or other payment gateways.
  • Order Review: Allow users to review their order details before proceeding with payment.
  • Order Total and Breakdown: Clearly display the order total, including the subtotal, taxes, shipping fees, and any discounts.
  • Security and Trust Seals: Include security and trust seals (e.g., SSL certificate, payment logos) to assure users of a safe and secure checkout process.
  • Progress Indicator: Provide a progress indicator or steps navigation to show users their current position in the checkout process.
  • Error Handling and Validation: Implement real-time validation and error handling for form fields to ensure accurate and complete information.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure the single-page checkout is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Save Cart for Later: Allow users to save their cart for later if they are not ready to complete the purchase immediately.
  • Terms and Conditions Acceptance: Include a checkbox for users to accept the terms and conditions before proceeding.
  • Order Confirmation: Display a confirmation message and order number after the purchase is complete.

Blog Page requirements:

Incorporating a blog page into an ecommerce website can be a valuable way to engage with customers, provide informative content, and boost organic traffic. Here are the required features for a blog page in an ecommerce website:

  • Blog Post Listing: Display a list of blog posts with their titles, featured images, and publication dates in chronological order.
  • Search Bar: Include a search bar to allow users to search for specific blog posts or topics.
  • Categories and Tags: Organize blog posts into categories and use tags to facilitate easy navigation and content discovery.
  • Featured Blog Posts: Highlight selected or recent blog posts as featured content to catch the reader's attention.
  • Social Sharing Buttons: Provide social media sharing buttons to allow readers to share blog posts on various platforms.
  • Author Information: Display the author's name and, optionally, a short bio or profile image to add a personal touch.
  • Read More Links: Offer a "Read More" or "Continue Reading" link for each blog post to direct users to the full article.
  • Comment Section (if applicable): Enable comments on blog posts to encourage reader engagement and discussion.
  • Related Blog Posts (if applicable): Suggest related blog posts at the end of each article to keep readers engaged with similar content.
  • Archive or Recent Posts (if applicable): Include a list of recent blog posts or an archive to allow users to explore older content.
  • Subscription or Newsletter Signup: Provide an option for users to subscribe to the blog or newsletter for updates on new posts.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implement SEO best practices to optimize blog posts for search engines and improve visibility.
  • Social Media Integration: Link to the ecommerce website's social media profiles to encourage readers to follow for updates.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the blog page is fully responsive and accessible on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Implement breadcrumb navigation to help users understand their location within the blog hierarchy.
  • Pagination: If there are multiple pages of blog posts, add pagination for easy navigation.
  • Popular Posts: Show a section with the most popular or trending blog posts.
  • Featured Images: Use visually appealing featured images for each blog post to make them more engaging.
  • Share Count: Display the number of shares or likes for each blog post to indicate its popularity.

Search Page Requirements:

The search page is a crucial component of an ecommerce website, as it allows users to find products quickly and efficiently. To provide a seamless and effective search experience, the search page should include the following required features:

  • Search Bar: Display a prominent search bar where users can enter their search queries.
  • Auto-suggestions and Autocomplete: Provide real-time auto-suggestions as users type their search queries to help them find relevant products faster.
  • Search Filters: Include filters such as price range, category, brand, size, color, and other relevant attributes to refine search results.
  • Sort Options: Offer sorting options to arrange search results by relevance, price (low to high or high to low), popularity, and new arrivals.
  • Product Thumbnails: Display product thumbnails along with their names, prices, and brief descriptions in the search results.
  • Product Count: Indicate the total number of search results found for the user's query.
  • Pagination: If there are multiple pages of search results, add pagination for easy navigation.
  • Breadcrumbs: Implement breadcrumb navigation to show the user's current location within the website hierarchy.
  • Search Results Summary: Provide a brief summary or message confirming the user's search query and the number of results.
  • Clear Search Button: Include a clear search button to allow users to remove their search query and start a new search.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the search page is fully responsive and user-friendly across various devices.
  • Product Quick View: Offer a quick view option to allow users to see essential product details without leaving the search page.
  • Search Synonyms: Handle synonyms and related terms to ensure search results are comprehensive.
  • No Results Message: If there are no search results for a specific query, display a helpful message and suggest related searches or products.
  • Error Handling and Validation: Implement real-time validation and error handling for the search bar to ensure accurate search queries.
  • Cross-Sell and Upsell Recommendations: Include related products or upsell suggestions within the search results to encourage additional purchases.
  • Search History and Recent Searches: Offer a history of recent searches or a dropdown with previous search queries.
  • Search by Voice (if applicable): If supported, provide the option to search using voice input.

404 Page Requirements:

The 404 page, also known as the "Not Found" page, is displayed when a user tries to access a page that does not exist or cannot be found on the website. It's important for an ecommerce website to have a well-designed and user-friendly 404 page to help visitors navigate back to the site or find the information they were looking for. Here are the required features for a 404 page in an ecommerce website:

  • Clear Error Message: Display a clear and friendly error message informing the user that the page they are looking for could not be found.
  • Site Navigation: Include the main website navigation menu or links to important sections of the website to allow users to explore other pages.
  • Back Button: Add a prominent "Back" button that takes users back to the previous page they were on.
  • Homepage Link: Include a link to the website's homepage, allowing users to easily return to the main landing page.
  • Contact Information: Provide contact information or a link to the customer support page to assist users who may need further assistance.
  • Friendly Design and Branding: Maintain the website's visual style and branding to ensure consistency and reinforce the site's identity.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Ensure that the 404 page returns a 404 HTTP status code and not a 200 status code to prevent search engines from indexing the page.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Make sure the 404 page is fully responsive and user-friendly across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Engaging Messaging: Use a friendly and approachable tone in the messaging to make users feel at ease and encourage them to continue exploring the site.
  • Clear 404 Header: Include a clear heading or title indicating that the user has encountered a 404 error.
  • 404 Icon or Illustration: Consider using a visually appealing icon or illustration to convey the 404 error message.
  • 404 Page Analytics: Implement analytics tracking on the 404 page to monitor user interactions and identify any recurring issues.
  • Customization Options: If possible, provide customization options for the 404 page's content to match the website's theme and branding.

Functional Requirements for Consistent and Effective Themes

Functional requirements for consistent and effective themes in an ecommerce website are essential to ensure a smooth user experience and maximize the website's potential for driving sales and conversions. Here are some key functional requirements to consider:

  • Responsive Design: The theme must be fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: The theme should be compatible with all major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) to ensure consistent performance and appearance.
  • Fast Load Times: The theme should be optimized for fast loading speeds to reduce bounce rates and improve user experience.
  • Clear Navigation: The theme must have intuitive and easy-to-use navigation, including well-organized menus, breadcrumbs, and search functionality.
  • Product Display: The theme should present product information clearly, including high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and pricing.
  • Product Filtering and Sorting: Provide robust filtering and sorting options to help users find products based on attributes such as price, category, size, color, and more.
  • Search Functionality: Include a powerful and accurate search bar to allow users to find products quickly and efficiently.
  • Shopping Cart: Ensure the shopping cart is prominently displayed and easily accessible, with clear information about the added products and total order amount.
  • Checkout Process: The checkout process should be streamlined, user-friendly, and secure to encourage conversions.
  • Payment Options: Offer a variety of secure payment options to cater to different customer preferences.
  • Order Tracking: If applicable, provide order tracking functionality so customers can monitor the status of their purchases.
  • User Accounts: Allow users to create accounts, view order history, and save their preferences for a more personalized experience.
  • Social Media Integration: Include social media sharing buttons and links to the brand's social media profiles to encourage user engagement and brand awareness.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Support customer reviews and ratings for products to build trust and assist other shoppers in their decision-making process.
  • Promotional Elements: Incorporate space for banners, promotional pop-ups, or call-to-action sections to highlight discounts, sales, and special offers.
  • SEO-Friendly: The theme should be optimized for search engines to improve organic visibility and attract more traffic.
  • Security Measures: Implement SSL encryption and other security measures to protect user data and ensure safe transactions.
  • Customization Options: Provide flexibility for website owners to customize the theme's appearance, colors, fonts, and layout to align with their brand identity.
  • Support for Extensions and Plugins: Support integration with popular ecommerce platforms and third-party extensions or plugins to enhance website functionality.
  • Accessibility: Ensure the theme adheres to accessibility standards, allowing all users, including those with disabilities, to access and use the website easily.


To ensure optimal delivery of assets through the Fynd Platform platform, themes should adhere to the following requirements:

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Utilize a Fynd CDN to distribute theme assets (such as CSS, JavaScript, images, and videos) across multiple servers worldwide, reducing loading times and ensuring fast delivery to users regardless of their geographical location.
  • Compressed and Minified Assets: Compress and minify CSS, JavaScript, and other assets to reduce file sizes, improving loading speed and overall website performance.
  • Versioning and Caching: Implement versioning and caching mechanisms for assets to enable browser caching, allowing returning users to load the website faster by using cached files.
  • Lazy Loading: Employ lazy loading techniques for images and other non-critical assets to load them only when they become visible to the user, reducing initial page load times.
  • Optimized Image Assets: Optimize images for web use by compressing them without compromising visual quality. Use responsive images to deliver appropriate sizes based on the user's device.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Test and ensure that theme assets are compatible with all major web browsers to provide a consistent experience to users.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the theme and its assets are fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Code Quality and Standards: Adhere to coding best practices and follow industry standards to create clean, efficient, and maintainable code for the theme assets.
  • Security Measures: Implement security best practices to protect theme assets from potential vulnerabilities and attacks.
  • Accessibility Compliance: Design theme assets with accessibility in mind, making sure they are usable by people with disabilities and meet accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).
  • Third-Party Libraries: If using third-party libraries or frameworks for theme assets, ensure they are up-to-date, secure, and properly licensed.
  • Optimized Fonts: Use web-safe and optimized fonts to minimize loading times and prevent font-related performance issues.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Implement error handling and logging mechanisms to track and resolve issues related to asset delivery.
  • Performance Testing: Regularly conduct performance testing and optimization to identify bottlenecks and improve asset delivery speed.
  • HTTPS Encryption: Serve theme assets over HTTPS to ensure data security and to prevent "mixed content" issues.
  • Code Validation: Validate the theme assets' code to ensure compliance with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript standards.
  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for theme assets, including installation instructions, customization guides, and troubleshooting tips.
  • Support and Updates: Offer ongoing support and updates for theme assets to address issues, fix bugs, and ensure compatibility with the latest platform versions.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Enhancing audience engagement for an ecommerce website is crucial for improving search engine rankings, increasing organic traffic, and driving more conversions. Here are some effective SEO strategies required to boost audience engagement for an ecommerce website:

  • High-Quality Content: Create informative, engaging, and relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Use blog posts, product guides, how-to articles, and other content formats to provide value and establish authority in your niche.
  • Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords and search terms that your audience is using to find products and information. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content, product descriptions, and meta tags.
  • Optimized Product Pages: Optimize product pages with descriptive and unique product titles, detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews. Use schema markup to provide additional information to search engines and improve visibility in search results.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that your ecommerce website is fully optimized for mobile devices, as a significant portion of online shoppers use smartphones and tablets. A responsive design and fast-loading mobile pages contribute to a positive user experience.
  • Page Load Speed: Improve page load speed by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, leveraging browser caching, and utilizing a content delivery network (CDN). Faster-loading pages lead to better user experience and higher search engine rankings.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Create intuitive navigation and site structure to make it easy for users to find products and relevant content. Use breadcrumb navigation to help users understand their location within the website.
  • Internal Linking: Implement internal linking to connect related pages and products within your website. Internal links improve website navigation, encourage visitors to explore more content, and help search engines understand the site's structure.
  • Social Media Integration: Integrate social media sharing buttons on product pages and blog posts to encourage users to share content. Social signals can indirectly impact search engine rankings.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Enable customer reviews and ratings for products to build trust and social proof. Positive reviews can influence potential buyers and improve search engine visibility.
  • Video Content: Utilize video content to showcase products, provide tutorials, and engage users. Video content can increase time spent on the website and improve search engine rankings.
  • Optimized URLs and Meta Tags: Create descriptive and keyword-rich URLs and meta tags (meta title and meta description) for each page. These elements contribute to better search engine visibility and click-through rates.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Analysis: Regularly monitor website performance, user behavior, and search engine rankings. Analyze data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly.
  • Promote User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences, testimonials, and images of products on social media or through your website. User-generated content can boost engagement and credibility.
  • Local SEO (if applicable): If you have physical store locations, optimize your website for local search by listing accurate business information on Google My Business and other local directories.


Ensuring accessibility for your theme is crucial to creating an inclusive experience for merchants and customers. An accessible theme accommodates everyone, including individuals with visual impairments. To meet accessibility requirements, themes must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements, such as buttons, links, dropdown navigations and form fields, can be accessed and activated using the keyboard alone. Users should be able to navigate through the website using the "Tab" key and activate elements using the "Enter" key.
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Optimize the theme to work well with screen readers. Provide descriptive text and alternative text (alt text) for images, form fields, and other non-text content, allowing screen reader users to understand the context and purpose of the elements.
  • Color Contrast: Maintain sufficient color contrast between text and background to ensure readability for users with visual impairments. Avoid using color as the sole means of conveying important information.
  • Font and Text Size: Use clear and readable fonts, and allow users to adjust the text size without causing layout issues or content clipping. Avoid using small font sizes that may be difficult for some users to read.
  • Focus Indicators: Clearly indicate the focus state of interactive elements. This helps users with visual impairments understand which element they are currently interacting with.
  • Form Labels and Validation: Use descriptive and properly associated labels for form fields. Provide clear error messages and validation cues to assist users in filling out forms correctly.
  • Skip Links: Include skip links at the top of the page to allow users to jump directly to the main content areas, bypassing repetitive navigation menus.
  • Video and Audio Accessibility: Provide captions and transcripts for videos and audio content to make them accessible to users with hearing impairments.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the theme is fully responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, including mobile phones and tablets.
  • Semantic HTML: Use semantic HTML elements to convey the structure and meaning of the content. Properly use headings, lists, and other HTML elements to improve screen reader navigation and understanding.
  • ARIA Roles and Attributes: Implement Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) roles and attributes to enhance the accessibility of dynamic and interactive elements, such as sliders, accordions, and modal dialogs.
  • Readable Link Text: Use descriptive link text that conveys the destination or purpose of the link without relying on context.
  • Consistent Layout: Maintain a consistent and predictable layout throughout the website, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the content.
  • Testing and User Feedback: Regularly test the theme's accessibility using tools and assistive technologies. Seek feedback from users with disabilities to identify areas for improvement.


When creating a theme for merchants' online stores, organizing and naming things clearly is essential. Using simple names and a straightforward structure for sections and presets makes your theme easier to use and navigate. Basic Requirements:

  • Ensure that all theme settings adhere to the specified style and terminology guidelines.
  • Verify that the theme's setting labels and informational text are grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
  • When providing default values for section and block content, provide instructions on using the setting instead of using Lorem Ipsum text as a placeholder.
  • Include a favicon setting.
  • Ensure that the logo upload functionality supports images with different aspect ratios, such as landscape or portrait.
  • Assign labels to all settings.
  • For the Header and Footer, set the default value to "main menu" and "footer" depending on the location of the setting.
  • Resource-based settings, such as "product," ensure that the associated resource exists if a default value is supplied.
  • Include a theme_info section.

Theme editor requirements:

To ensure changes made in the theme editor are correctly displayed in the editor preview. Below are the features and functionalities that are typically expected from a theme editor to create an ecommerce website

  • User-Friendly Interface: The theme editor should have a user-friendly interface that allows website owners and developers to easily customize the look and feel of the website without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
  • Drag-and-Drop Elements: A drag-and-drop functionality allows users to easily add and arrange various elements such as sections, images, text blocks, and product listings on the website.
  • Responsive Design: The theme editor should support responsive design, ensuring that the website looks and functions well on different devices and screen sizes.
  • Color and Font Customization: Users should be able to customize the color scheme and fonts used on the website to match their branding and design preferences.
  • Layout Options: The theme editor should provide a variety of layout options, including different page templates and section arrangements, to give users flexibility in designing their websites.
  • Product Listing and Catalog Options: For an ecommerce website, the theme editor should allow users to easily set up product listings, product categories, and product catalog pages.
  • Product Page Customization: Users should be able to customize individual product pages, including product images, descriptions, prices, and add-to-cart buttons.
  • Navigation Customization: The theme editor should enable users to customize the website's navigation menu, including the main menu, drop-down menus, and footer navigation.
  • Image and Media Management: The theme editor should allow users to upload, manage, and display images and other media assets on the website.
  • SEO Settings: Users should be able to optimize their website for search engines by customizing meta tags, URLs, and other SEO-related settings.
  • Social Media Integration: The theme editor should support integration with social media platforms, allowing users to add social media icons and share buttons on the website.
  • Custom Code Integration: Advanced users and developers may require the option to add custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code to further customize the website's appearance and functionality.
  • Preview and Undo/Redo: The theme editor should provide a preview mode, allowing users to see how changes will look before publishing them. It should also offer an undo/redo feature to revert or redo changes as needed.
  • Support and Documentation: The theme editor should come with adequate documentation and support resources to assist users in using the editor effectively and troubleshooting issues.

UX and Theme Design

A theme's design and user experience (UX) are vital for a merchant's brand identity, as they visually and interactively represent the merchant to the world. A theme should have a clear direction and vital design elements while allowing merchants to control their brand image fully.

When creating Fynd Platform free themes and evaluating themes from our Theme marketplace Partners, we use a thorough rubric to assess the design and UX aspects of the theme. This ensures that the theme effectively covers essential areas like art direction, consistency, typography, layout, and customer UX.

Below are some of the other crucial requirements that you must ensure:

  • Ensure that your theme possesses a coherent and visually appealing style that effectively communicates a message to its intended audience.
  • Ensure that your theme incorporates elements such as content flow, hierarchy, balance, contrast, white space, responsiveness, grid, and alignment.
  • Maintain consistency in the design elements of your theme across all pages.
  • Promote accessibility by implementing features such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, high-contrast color schemes, and carefully chosen fonts to facilitate easy navigation for users.
  • Ensure that your theme facilitates a transparent and seamless purchase process through the collection, product, and cart pages.
  • Offer straightforward customization options for merchants to modify the appearance and ambiance of their storefronts.

Font Picker

A font picker is a useful and desirable feature for developing an ecommerce website. It allows website owners to easily customize the typography of their website, enhancing the overall design and user experience. Here are the key benefits and functionalities of a font picker for an ecommerce website:

  • Typography Customization: The font picker allows users to choose from a wide range of fonts, including various font families, sizes, weights, and styles. This customization option helps create a unique and visually appealing website that aligns with the brand's identity.
  • Brand Consistency: Ecommerce websites often have specific brand guidelines, including preferred fonts. With a font picker, website owners can ensure consistency in typography across all pages and maintain a cohesive brand image.
  • Readability and Accessibility: Users can select fonts that are highly readable and accessible to all visitors, including those with visual impairments. This helps improve the overall user experience and accessibility of the website.
  • Preview Functionality: A font picker typically includes a preview feature, allowing users to see how different fonts will look on their website before applying them. This helps users make informed decisions about font choices.
  • Easy Implementation: The font picker should integrate seamlessly with the website's theme and content management system (CMS), making it easy for users to apply selected fonts to different sections and elements of the website.
  • Responsive Design Support: The font picker should work well with responsive design, ensuring that fonts are appropriately displayed across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Font Loading Optimization: The font picker should optimize font loading to minimize page load times and improve website performance.
  • Google Fonts Integration: Many font pickers offer integration with Google Fonts, a popular library of free and high-quality fonts. This provides users with access to a vast selection of fonts to choose from.
  • Fallback Font Options: In case a selected font is not available or fails to load, the font picker should allow users to set fallback fonts to maintain consistent typography.
  • Font Licensing: The font picker should provide information about font licensing and ensure that the selected fonts are legally and properly used on the website.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The font picker should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for website owners and developers to use and customize fonts without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Color System

Choosing appropriate foreground and background colors improves the impact of your theme:

  • At least four colors are necessary.
  • Each background color setting must have a corresponding foreground color setting.
  • The color settings must utilize a specific type of color.

Responsive Images

Responsive images play a vital role in enhancing user experience. As mobile devices become more prevalent, developers encounter fresh obstacles in ensuring swift image loading regardless of screen dimensions.

Every theme must adhere to the following image guidelines:

  • Implement a responsive image approach, excluding small images like icons.
  • Load images only when necessary, reducing the initial number of loaded images per page.

Theme Styles and Theme Naming

Choosing a perfect name is crucial when submitting your theme to the Theme marketplace. The theme name serves to help merchants understand and select your theme based on their specific requirements.

Requirements for naming themes and theme styles are as follows:

  • The theme and style names should not be identical or similar to existing Fynd Platform, products, events, or branded content. For instance, avoid using names like Fynd Platform, Unite, or Polaris.
  • The theme and theme style names should not include your company name or Fynd Platform Partner account name. Your Partner account name is automatically displayed on the theme listing page.
  • The theme and theme style names should not be related to websites, e-commerce platforms, or SEO benefits. For example, refrain from using names like Performance, Mobile, or Sales.
  • The theme and theme style names should not match existing industries or collections in the Theme marketplace. Avoid names like Fashion, Electronics, or Jewelry.
  • The theme and theme style names should have a maximum of 14 characters.

Guidelines for Naming Themes:

  • Capture the essence and purpose of the theme in a concise manner.
  • Provide an insight into the theme's core ideas, target audience, and expected experience for merchants.
  • Opt for a noun as the name, as it creates a lasting impression and defines the theme's focus effectively.
  • Choose a name that is easy to spell and pronounce, aiding in recall and searchability.
  • Ensure the name works universally by considering different dialects and consulting an idiom dictionary.
  • Select a unique name that distinguishes it from themes on other platforms.

Guidelines for Naming Theme Styles:

  • Reflect on the design and aesthetic qualities of the theme style.
  • Utilise adjectives to describe colors, fonts, and design elements associated with the theme style.
  • Complement the theme name instead of competing with it to avoid confusion among merchants seeking support.
  • Establish a common thread connecting multiple style names within a theme.

Release Notes and Theme Versions

Theme versions and release notes serve the purpose of aiding merchants in identifying their current theme and assessing the available features or potential updates.

When submitting a theme to the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace, it is essential to assign a version number and include release notes that emphasize the main features of the version, whether it is the initial submission or an update.

Theme Documentation and Contact Forms

Having comprehensive and accessible information regarding your theme is crucial in providing support to merchants and minimizing support-related issues. Developing well-organized and adequate documentation is vital for the success of your partnership as a Theme Partner.

Requirements for Documentation and Contact Forms:

  • It is mandatory to furnish theme documentation and a publicly accessible support contact form.
  • Ensure that your theme documentation and contact form are prepared before launching your theme.
  • Your theme listing page in the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace must include links to your documentation and contact form.
  • Merchant-Oriented Theme Documentation:
  • All theme documentation must be free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • The content of the theme documentation should align with the copy used in the theme settings.
  • Regularly update your documentation to reflect changes in the Fynd Platform and updates to your theme. Identify any gaps in your documentation as you assist merchants and make necessary revisions.
  • Include an FAQ section and any other pertinent information in your theme documentation to address potential support queries from merchants.

Theme Support

As a Theme Partner, it is crucial for you to provide excellent support to merchants using your theme. Your merchant-focused approach, high-quality support, and collaborative attitude with Fynd Platform are vital for the success of your theme.

To streamline merchant support, ensure that your contact form is easily accessible through the Fynd Platform Theme marketplace and your theme documentation.