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Submitting a Theme


This technical document provides a step-by-step guide for theme developers to submit their themes for review on the Fynd Partner Website. The process involves seven straightforward steps, including preparing the theme file, providing essential details, showcasing the value proposition, describing attributes, offering variations, documenting support, and initiating the review process.

Submitting a Theme

To begin the theme submission process, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Fynd Partner Website:
  2. Access the Theme Submission Section:
    • In the sidebar navigation, click on "Themes" to access the Theme Submission section.
  3. Initiate Theme Submission:
    • Click on "Submit Theme" in the Theme window to initiate the theme submission process.

Step 1 - Theme File

Theme File Guidelines:

  • Before proceeding, carefully read the "Theme File Guidelines" to ensure compliance with the requirements.
  • Prepare the theme file as a compressed zip package containing all necessary files and assets for easy installation.

Provide Theme Description:

Include a brief description of the new theme in the release note, mentioning specific changes, feature additions, or problem repairs.

Step 2 - Theme Details

Theme Title and Tagline:

Enter a catchy and descriptive title for your theme, followed by a compelling tagline that conveys the theme's unique selling points.

Theme Description:

Provide a concise description of your theme, highlighting its key features and value proposition to potential buyers.


  • Upload quality images of your theme's appearance on desktops and mobile devices to entice buyers.
  • Ensure that the screenshot format and aspect ratio are correct and that you own all the images.

Step 3 - Value Proposition

Industry Selection:

Select up to three industries that complement your theme, indicating its suitability for different business niches.

Catalog Size:

Choose the right catalog size that your theme can accommodate, considering the number of products it can handle.

Set Theme Price:

Monetize your theme by setting its price for potential buyers.

Step 4 - Attributes

Section Title and Description:

Add concise section titles and descriptions to represent the theme's primary categories or purposes, highlighting their benefits.

Key Highlights:

Highlight up to three key features of your theme to quickly communicate its value proposition to potential buyers.

Theme Features:

List all appealing features your theme offers to attract potential buyers and differentiate it from competitors.

Step 5 - Variations

Variation Name:

Provide unique names for different pre-designed layouts or styles included with the theme for user customization.

Screenshots of Variations:

Upload screenshots of each variation to showcase how they appear on desktops and mobile devices.

Demo Site URL (Optional):

Optionally, provide a Demo Site URL to showcase pre-designed websites that users can import or replicate.

Step 6 - Documentation & Support

User Documentation:

Include comprehensive user documentation to guide users in customizing and using the theme effectively.

Documentation URL (Optional):

Optionally, provide a link to external user documentation if self-hosted.

Support Email:

Enable users to provide their email addresses for theme-related queries or issues.

Step 7 - Review

Contact Email:

Enter your current, active email address for communication with the Fynd platform team during the review process.

Comment for Reviewer:

Provide concise and relevant instructions or information for the reviewer, ensuring smooth testing and review.


Following the seven-step theme submission process on the Fynd Partner Website will allow developers to present their themes effectively for review and potential inclusion in the Fynd Theme Marketplace. By adhering to the guidelines and providing comprehensive details, developers can increase the chances of their themes being approved and reaching a broader audience of potential buyers.