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Theme Sections

Sections are reusable UI components that sellers can customized. Section files are present inside the sections folder of a theme.

Anatomy of a Section

Sections are reusable React components that can be customized from theme editor. Each section has a settings configuration object which is passed to the component as its props. Sections can be provided with custom props by passing props to the SectionRenderer component.

For each section, there must be a named export for Component defining the visual interface of the section and a named export for settings defining the configuration schema for the section.


Example of a section that renders HTML markup in a react component.

import React from 'react';

export function Component({ props, blocks }) {
const descValue = props?.description?.value;
if (!descValue) return null;

return <p>{descValue}</p>;

export const settings = {
label: "Section Description",
props: [
id: "description",
label: "Description",
type: "text",
default: "",
info: "Description text of the section",
blocks: [],

Input Types

This section provides an overview of various input types used in our application. Each input type includes a brief description, an image of the UI component, and the settings object that defines it.

How to use

  1. Define the Settings: Use the provided settings object as a template to define the properties (props) and their configurations.
  2. Customize as Needed: Modify the label, id, type, default, info, and options fields to suit your requirements.
  3. Handle the Data: In your component, access the input values like props[id].value and implement the necessary logic to build your components.

1. Brand

A dropdown selection for choosing a brand from the list.

Brand Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Brand Selector",
props: [
id: "brand",
label: "Brand",
type: "brand",
default: "",
info: "Search Brand",
blocks: [],

2. Checkbox

A checkbox input for enabling or disabling a feature.

Checkbox Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Checkbox Input",
props: [
id: "featureToggle",
label: "Feature Toggle",
type: "checkbox",
default: false,
info: "Enable or disable a specific feature.",
blocks: [],

3. Code

An input area for entering custom code or HTML.

Code Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Code Editor",
props: [
id: "htmlCodeInput",
label: "HTML/Code Editor",
type: "code",
default: "",
info: "Enter custom code or HTML.",
blocks: [],

4. Collection

A dropdown selection for choosing a collection from the list.

Collection Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Collection Selector",
props: [
id: "collectionSelection",
label: "Choose Collection",
type: "collection",
default: "",
info: "Select a collection from the dropdown.",
blocks: [],

5. Color

A color picker for selecting a color value.

Color Picker

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Color Picker",
props: [
id: "colorPicker",
label: "Color Chooser",
type: "color",
default: "#7043F7",
info: "Pick a color from the color picker."
blocks: [],

6. Department

A dropdown selection for choosing a department from the list.

Department Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Department Selector",
props: [
id: "departmentSelection",
label: "Department Dropdown",
type: "department",
default: "",
info: "Select a department from the dropdown.",
blocks: [],

7. Font

An input for selecting font settings.


Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Font Selector",
props: [
id: "fontSelector",
label: "Font Style Selector",
type: "font",
default: "Arial",
info: "Select a font from the dropdown.",
blocks: [],

8. Image Picker

An interface for uploading or selecting an image.

Image Picker

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Image Picker",
props: [
id: "imageUploader",
label: "Image Upload",
type: "image_picker",
default: "",
info: "Upload or select an image.",
options: {
maxSize: 2048,
file_types: ["png", "jpeg", "svg+xml"],
aspect_ratio: 1,
aspect_ratio_strict_check: false,
min_resolution: { width: 100, height: 100 },
max_resolution: { width: 2000, height: 2000 },
blocks: [],

9. Range

A slider input for selecting a numerical value within a range.

Range Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Range Slider",
props: [
id: "rangeSlider",
label: "Adjustable Range Slider",
type: "range",
default: 5,
info: "Select a value from the range slider.",
min: 0,
max: 5,
step: 1,
unit: "%",
blocks: [],

10. Select

A dropdown selection for choosing an option from a provided list.

Select Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Select Input",
props: [
id: "dropdownSelector",
label: "Dropdown Options",
type: "select",
default: "",
info: "Select an option from the dropdown.",
options: [
{ text: "Left", value: "L" },
{ text: "Center", value: "C" },
{ text: "Right", value: "R" },
blocks: [],

11. Tags List

An input that allows the user to select multiple tags from a list, with search functionality.


Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Tags List",
props: [
id: "tagsPicker",
label: "Tag Selector",
type: "tags-list",
default: [],
info: "Select one or more tags from the list.",
blocks: [],

12. Text

A single-line text input for entering short text, such as names or titles.

Text Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Text Input",
props: [
id: "textInput",
label: "Text Field",
type: "text",
default: "",
info: "Enter text into the text input.",
blocks: [],

13. Text Area

A multi-line text input for entering larger amounts of text.

Textarea Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Textarea Input",
props: [
id: "multilineText",
label: "Text Area",
type: "textarea",
"It was amazing working with the Fynd team they helped me through each and every step and helped me build my website from scratch.",
info: "Enter larger amounts of text into the textarea.",
blocks: [],

14. URL

An input for entering or building URLs.

URL Input

Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "URL Input",
props: [
id: "urlInput",
label: "URL Field",
type: "url",
default: "",
info: "Enter or build a URL.",
blocks: [],

15. Video

An input for uploading or selecting a video file.


Settings Object

export const settings = {
label: "Video Input",
props: [
id: "videoUploader",
label: "Video File Upload",
type: "video",
default: "",
info: "Upload or select a video file.",
options: {
fileTypes: ["mp4"],
blocks: [],


Props are used to configure the look and feel of sections. Section template can access the props with settings.props. Each prop is an object with various fields explained below:

settings.props.[prop_id].valueReturns the value of the prop id.
settings.props.[prop_id].defaultReturns the default value of the prop
settings.props.[prop_id].typeReturns the type of the prop. It is used in the Theme editor to show various input types, such as text, color, range, checkbox, product, brand, collection, html, image & video. Refer to Input Type.
settings.props.[prop_id].labelReturns the label for the prop.
settings.props.[prop_id].infoReturns info of the prop. This info is used in the tooltip of the Theme editor.


export const settings = {
label: 'Raw HTML',
props: [
id: 'code',
label: 'Your Code Here',
type: 'code',
default: '',
info: 'Add Your custom HTML Code below. You can also use the full screen icon to open a code editor and add your code',
blocks: [],

Settings Object

The settings object lets you access a section's properties and setting values.

settings.nameReturns the name of the section.
settings.labelReturns the label of the section.
settings.propsReturns an object of all the props. More about props.
settings.blocksReturns an array of section blocks. More about Blocks.
settings.presetReturns an array of section preset. This can be used to set a default value for blocks.


export const settings = {
label: 'Swipe Gallery',
blocks: [
label: 'Image card',
type: 'gallery',
props: [
id: 'url',
label: 'Banner Image Link',
type: 'text',
default: '',
info: 'Link to the image that should be displayed in banner',
id: 'alt',
label: 'Alt Text',
type: 'text',
default: 'Image Alt',
info: 'Image Alt',
id: 'width',
label: 'Image Width',
type: 'text',
default: '100',
info: 'Width of image in %',
props: [
id: 'title',
label: 'Title',
type: 'text',
default: '',
info: 'Link to the image that should be displayed in banner',

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