Learn how to develop themes on Fynd Commerce.
📄️ Theme Best Practices
Given below is a detailed checklist of best practices for Fynd Partners to follow while building a theme for Fynd Commerce using React:
📄️ Boilerplate Overview
A boilerplate is a pre-written codebase that speeds up development by providing a foundational template for building themes. The theme boilerplate serves as a foundation for building and deploying a theme on Fynd Commerce.
📄️ ServerFetch Function
The serverFetch is an async function which is called during server side rendering, developers can add any async data resolvers that must be resolved on the server before rendering the current page.
📄️ Auth Guard
The authGuard function is employed to regulate access to specific routes based on user authentication status. For instance, the loginGuard function, redirects authenticated users from certain pages such as 'login' and 'register', while the isLoggedIn function restricts access to the PageWithLoginCheck page solely to authenticated users.
📄️ Color Palette Mapping
This document provides an overview of CSS variables mapped by the Theme engine. These variables allow for dynamic theming of your application by utilizing the provided color palette settings. Each variable includes a fallback default value when applicable.
🗃️ Data Mangement
4 items
🗃️ Global Provider Resolver
3 items
🗃️ Global Components and Hooks
2 items