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Build a Team


Use this section to manage your business with people. Add and invite individuals as staff, directly or through bulk upload. Assign roles and grant permissions to access sections of the Admin Panel.

How to access on Fynd Partners

Steps to Invite People To Your Team

  1. Click on Invite.

  2. You can type an email address or mobile number, and click the Enter key to add more. Next, click the Search button.

  3. You will get the following list:

    • Unregistered - Users who are being invited.
    • Pending - Users who have been sent an invite but are yet to accept it.
    • Registered - Users who have registered using the invite link, but are yet to be added as staff.
    • Staff - Users who have been added as a staff member.

    You can individually invite users by clicking Send Invite or invite them all at once using Invite All.

  4. Give permissions to the invited staff to access the sections.

    • Admin: Staff can perform all kinds of operations (settings, payouts, etc.) in the company.

    • Public: Staff will be able to perform only those actions that do not alter the system. This includes viewing the created extensions, and staff list in a team. Staff with public access will not be able to edit any section on the Fynd Partners.

    • Marketing Manager: Staff having marketing manager role can perform activities like evaluating and optimizing marketing and pricing strategies. Also, oversees advertising, and promotional campaigns.

    • Developer: Staff can have API access to create private and public extensions. Staff with developer role will be able to change themes.

    • Custom: Using custom, you can selectively decide the sections for which staff will have access.

    Here, we have selected a role Admin.

  5. Click Send Invite, and wait for the users to accept the invite and register on Fynd Partners.

  6. Add the users who have accepted the invite as your staff.

Your newly added team member will be able to access your partner account as per the access granted to them by you.

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