Collection Listing
In platform we can create collections of products basis on some criteria. The page is same as PLP (product listing page). It comes with sorting methods and other filters.
Context | type | Description |
is_logged_in | Boolean | User is logged in user or not |
favourite_ids | Array | ids of products that are added in the wishlist |
compare_slugs | Array | previously compared product slugs |
app_features | Object | Application specific configurations |
page | Object | Pagination object consist details like has_next, has_previous, `item_total which can be useful to display pagination``` |
product_count | Number | Total number of products that are live |
items | Array | First 12 products that are live |
filters | Array | List of filters by which displayed products can be filter out |
sort_on | Array | Options to sort products like Ratings, Discounts or price |
pageError | Object | It will have error details so that you can handle errors gracefully on theme side |
loading | Boolean | While products are being fetched from backend you can indicate progress bar on theme side |
<fdk-infinite-loading class="plp-container">
<template slot-scope="infiniteLoaderData">
<div class="product-container">
v-for="(product, index) in getProducts"
:key="index + '-product.uid'"
:target="!isMobile ? '_blank' : ''"
@click.native="redirectToProduct($event, product.url)"